{t h i r t y}

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One month later....

It was a girl's day, so currently, Sofia, Gabriella, Tiffany, Amelia, and I were watching comedies.

"Wait did that guy seriously thinking at jumping off a playground was epic?" Sofia asks, between her giggles.

We had made it to the point where we were just watching people get hurt. I know, we're sick people.

"Yes, but the worst part was the guy in the background!" Amelia laughs, sitting up straight. "'Now would you look at that? An idiot.'"

I busted out laughing, you should've heard the guys voice. It reeked with fake enthusiasm and fake surprise.

"Gabriella, how's Ben?" Tiffany chirps out, and we all stop laughing to focus on her.

"Look what a boy did to you people.." She trails off, and we look at her expectantly. "Not giving up?"

"Amelia will tackle you," I tell her, while Amelia nods. "She almost killed me."

"He's good, I guess." She shrugs, and we all give her a straight, dull look. "It's true! I don't talk to him that much."

"You need to! He's the closest you'll get to having a guy in your life." I pause, seeing her open her mouth. "Other than them being like a brother to you."

"Fine, what do you want me to say?" She groans, pulling out her phone.

"How about a 'how are you'?" Sofia suggests, throwing Gabriella a 'duh' look.

"Well then. Salty." She mumbles, furiously typing on her phone. "There, I sent it."

"Now we wait for a re-" Tiffany starts, before Gabriella's phone buzzes.

"'I'm doing good, what about you Milk Dud?'" She read aloud, and we look at her weirdly.

"Milk Dud?" Amelia questions, and Gabriella facepalms.

"I told him that I was obsessed with Milk Duds." She explains, and we all let out a long 'aw'. "What now?"

"Give me," I say, stretching my hand to her. She hands me her phone, and I quickly type a message.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?" I hit send and handed her back the phone.

She read the messages, before widening her eyes. "Why'd you do that?"

"For you to hang out? And talk like normal people?" I remark, and she shakes her head.

"No, doesn't that mean I want to go on a date with him?" She asks, looking at his response. "'Sure! I'd love you get to know you more.' You lucked out Addy."

"That's what hang out means.." I slowly mumble, and she playfully glares at me.

"Enough about me! Explain your love lives." She waves a hand at us, pointing to Tiffany. "You, then Sofia, then Amelia, and then Addy. Now go!"

"Okay, everything is great so far. He still really wants to get married, and I'm going to have a talk with him tomorrow about it, to actually talk this out." Tiffany explains, and I smile and nod at her.

"You haven't talked about it yet?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"He's been busy with work and stuff." She tells me, and I let out an 'oh'.

"Sal's trying to be really helpful. But sometimes, it gets kinda... Annoying? Like he pushes to help so much, but it's cute. He just really cares. Which is why I needed to have this girls day, to be away from so much caring." She responds, holding her forehead. "Oh, and the baby is healthy! Just had to throw that in there."

"That's amazing!" Tiffany exclaims, pulling the blanket closer to her.

"Alright, let's see," Amelia says, sitting up. "Johnny is Johnny. Complicated, confusing, and mysterious. I honestly don't know what's happening with us."

"It'll get better. I know my brother better than anyone else, he'll come around." Gabriella presses, giving Amelia a sympathetic look.

"Alright, Addy. Your turn." Sofia points out, nudging me with her foot.

"Ugh! Whenever I tell you, you specifically, stuff that's happening, you always find a way to creep a joke in about it. Even when we're eating, you could be like, 'That meat looks like, you know what, does it look like Cam's?'" I mock her, and she starts to laugh.

"I won't do it this time. I can't believe that was spot on." She applauds, giving me an impressed look.

"But really? He's been sweet, just really caring about things. Like when Gabriella and I were running from those guys and all, he didn't really press to get answers about what I said. However, he did get pretty jealous when I didn't tell him if we found some hot guys." I remind myself, giggling at his puffed up cheeks and angered look.

"Wait, is he like that kind of boyfriend where he makes you promise not to look at other guys in public?" Gabriella asks, leaning forwards a bit.

"No, but he does make sure that if some guy looks at me, he makes it pretty obvious I'm with him." I blush, remembering when we were in a shoe store, and the clerk was staring at me.

"What memory do you specifically have?" Sofia asks, curiously looking at me.

"Remember when I went for new sneakers?" I remind them, and they nod. "Well, the clerk was looking at me, and Cameron's brain must've gone nuts. He literally pushed me into the shoe rack, furiously kissing me, while I got hit by falling shoes. He had to clean it up because he felt bad."

"No way! He's such a dork!" Amelia giggles and I nod along with her. My phone buzzes, and I look over at it.

"You talk about him too much, and he pops up," I mutter, reading his message. "'Miss you. It's simple but I mean it.' Oh, how sweet."

I give my phone the finger, laughing when I go to send him the middle finger emoji. "I'm so mean." I turn my phone towards them, and they squint their eyes, reading something else. "What?"

I turn it back to me, reading his new message.

"My special, special finger. ;)"

"What was he implying?!" I exclaim, sending him a 'What?!', before quickly turning my phone off. "I will never be able to live with him like that."

I close my eyes, holding my temples. "Sal is worse," Sofia speaks up, a light blush on her face. "When he feels like it, he makes it a point of his day to remind me of how I acted the night we drank that wine.."

"Now that's funny!" I say, holding my stomach from laughter.

People may not think that was funny, but when it comes from Sal and Sofia, it was hilarious to me.

Gabriella had been oddly quiet until now, so I go to look at her.

Sound asleep, no surprise.

"Okay, I'm gonna sleep now," I say, laying down on the couch. I rest my head on Gabriella's lap, seeing as she was already sleeping.

I know I know! Boring chapters for some time now.

Truly truly sorry!

Truly truly sorry!

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