{g r o u p t e x t #1}

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Addy: Hey, I took a nap before. Do you guys want to all hang out tomorrow? Maybe we could all walk around?

Cameron: I'm in!

Addy: You're literally next to me. I already knew you were going.

Sofia: If I get an explanation of what happened today, I'll go.

Addy: Deal!

Sofia: Okay, Sal's going too. He just lost his phone.

Addy: Typical, but cool.

Amelia: Let me guess. I have to drive?

Addy: Das right!

Amelia: So I have no choice?

Addy: No, and plus you have the biggest car. But we still might need two.

Cameron: Not exactly. People can sit on people's laps.

Amelia: OMG

Addy: I'll think about it.

Gabriella: Am I missing something? Or did Cameron suddenly get braver?

Cameron: HEY!

Gabriella: Kidding, but me and Johnny are good to go too.

Johnny: I can speak for myself, thank you very much.

Amelia: Yet you couldn't say the words I like you.

Johnny: Touché.

Addy added Tiffany and Max to the group chat.

Tiffany: Hey! What's up?

Max: Hello peoples.

Addy: We are doing a group outing tomorrow. You two in?

Tiffany: Definitely!

Max: I would but the casts.

Addy: Crap! I forgot! We'll buy ice cream and eat it with you.

Max: Thanks but you enjoy your day. I feel old next to young people.

Cameron: You're only 23?

Max: Cam, you need to text me. You have some explaining to do.

Cameron: About....?

Max: That text you sent me....

Cameron: Oh.. Okay!

Addy: Secrets. Secrets. Secrets.

Cameron: No! I told you already, so you know about it.

Sofia: And we don't?!

Cameron: Sadly, no. I'll tell you tomorrow.

Addy: Oh I remember it now!

Cameron: I'd hope so.

Gabriella: I'm so confused.

Sofia: I'll text you what I think they are talking about. Girls group chat?

Addy: Yes!!!!

Gabriella: Okay, I'm down.

Amelia: Am I included?

Sofia: Of course! You also Tiffany.

Tiffany: So many messages! But yeah, see you in a few.

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