{s i x t e e n}

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We sat in silence, for some time. It was a good 2 minutes.

"I'm sorry. I never thought of it like that." I finally say, and she looks over at me.

"I know, and I figured I'd be the one to tell you." She admits, looking towards the door.

Someone was knocking on the door, quite quickly. I get up, and she follows, confused looks on our faces. I open the door, it swinging towards me slowly.


I stand there, my hand up and about to knock again. Sofia and Addy stare back at me, confused looks on their faces.

"Hi?" I try, and they tilt their head simultaneously. I copy their posture, expression and head tilt.

"What are you doing here?" Addy interjects, and I look towards her.

"I came to check on you." I simply state, and she shifts from one foot to the other. She looks uncomfortable, and I start to worry. "I'll go if you want me to.."

"No, I'm just thinking. That's all." She mumbles, walking away.

"Just get in you doof," Sofia says, pulling me inside. The door closes behind me, and I look around like I did when I first came here.

I heard footsteps running in the other room, my attention directing there.

"Addy!" Sofia shouts, running after her.

What is going on?


I run after Addy. She was sitting on the couch, holding her phone, when she just dropped it and ran into her bathroom.

I followed her, worried, and found her crouched over the toilet. "Addy, what's wrong?"

Her face changes, and faces the toilet again. When she leans back, she rests her head on the wall. She was pale, sweaty, and looked miserable.

"Addy...?" I say again, and she looks at me.

"Just feeling a little sick. Probably the anxiety again." She comments, taking deep breaths. "Can you get me water?"

I nod and hurry to the kitchen. Cameron was still here, in the same place I left him. He averts his gaze to me and raises an eyebrow.

"What is going on?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"She just needed to go to the bathroom. She also needs a glass of water to wipe something off." I lie, and he gives me a skeptical look.

I walk into the kitchen, getting a glass and filling it with water. I walk back out, to find Cameron gone. I barely manage to see his body turn and go into Addy's room.

My eyes wide, I ran carefully following him. I slid past him and went into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, locking it.

"Cam's coming," I whisper, and Addy's eyes widen as well. She drinks the water, swishing it around and spitting it out. She starts to run the tap water, grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Addy?" Cameron calls from outside the door. "Are you okay?"

She stays silent, still brushing her teeth. She nods to the door, and I look at her crazily.

"Uh, she's busy right now," I say, shrugging when she looks at me with squinted eyes.

She rinses her mouth, drying her lip, and flushing the toilet. She spritzed air freshener and tapped her face a bit. Once she had more color on her face, she nodded at me.

This girl is nuts.


Sofia opens the door, and I lean on the sink counter, awkwardly.

"Sorry, I was just fixing, my uh.." I say, thinking of an excuse. "I was fixing my bra!"

Sofia's face was still behind the door, and she shot me a 'really' look. I nodded and glanced back at Cam.

"Um yeah. Well, are you okay?" He repeats, and I nod, trying to keep a convincing face. "Okay, I'll just go now.."

He awkwardly walks away, a light blush creeping up his neck and face. When he was out of view, I released the breath I was holding.

"Your bra?!" Sofia whisper-exclaims and my face turns red at the thought.

Cameron, my best friend and the boy I'm in love with, now thinks that I fixed my bra. I can't believe I just said that!

"I don't know what I was thinking!" I said, shrugging my shoulders. They slump, and she hugs me.

I hug her back, grateful that she didn't tell him the truth. We pull away, hearing another knock at the door.

We run out, hurrying to answer it. I pull it open, seeing Tiffany standing at the door. "Hey, I just wanted to drop by. If that's okay?"

"Yeah, come in," I say, stepping aside as she strolls in.

"I have to tell you, in case Cameron didn't." She states, turning towards me. "He asked me for a ride here. I drove him, and on the way here we talked.."

"About what?" I ask, closing my door.

"I wanted to talk to him about you two. I was trying to see if he was in love with you too. I tried to channel my inner you and started to just ask questions, and I came to the conclusion that he seemed like he was in love with you. So when I told him, he kind of just smiled and walked off." She explains, and my heart leaps.

Cameron didn't tense up? He didn't stress? He smiled?!

I need to calm down, or I might scare him away. He hasn't said it, so maybe he's still not sure.

Now that I think about it, I told Cameron that he has time to think about it. I think I said that because I'm scared of what he is going to say. I'm worried that it might not be what I hoped for, what I wished for.

I'm not being selfish, but I wish he loved me back. If he were to conclude that he doesn't love me, then what will I do? I can't continue to say it, I'll look like a clingy weirdo.

I'm stressing too much. I just need to talk it out.

Talk it out.


I can do this.

Still no appearance from Cameron's sloppy kisser!

The greatness of being the author... I get to choose when and where to bring them in!

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