{e i g h t e e n}

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Sofia paces back and forth in my living room, just as a tired looking Amelia walks in. Except, she came through the front door.

"Where were you?" I ask, in a teasing tone. She blushes, flipping me off. I laugh at her, my glance transferring back to Sofia. Amelia looks at her, giving me a puzzled look. "Can I tell her Sof?"

Sofia stops walking, looks at me for a second. She nods, coming over and sitting down next to me.

"You should tell her yourself. I mean you told me." I coax, and she nods. Amelia gives us a confused, expectant glance.

"I'm pregnant," Sofia whispers, as Amelia leans closer. "I'm pregnant." She said it a little louder this time.

"Really?! That's so exciting!" Amelia exclaims, coming over and hugging Sofia. "Did you tell Sal?"

"No, I'm too scared. What if he doesn't want him or her?" Sofia's been asking this question all morning. She's honestly afraid, that Sal will leave her because of this baby.

"You have to tell him. He needs to know, so that why you two can figure out what to do." Amelia explains, making Sofia nod. She pulls out her phone, dialing Sal's number. She puts it on speaker so Amelia and I could listen.

"Hello?" Sal picks up, yawning afterward.

"I need to tell you something. Come to Addy's dorm house." Sof says, and she bites her lip.

"Okay, is something wrong?" He asks, shuffling around.

"No, I just need to tell you something important. It's kinda a big thing." She explains, closing her eyes tightly.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm excited." He responds, and Sofia smiles.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you!"

Sofia hangs up and puts her phone down. "I'm really telling him. I'm really going to tell him."

"I'm gonna get coffee, you want some?" Amelia asks, most likely going to drive somewhere.

"Yes please!" I answer for the both of us. Although Amelia already knows what we want, so she just nods and grabs her keys.

"Addy.." She says, and I gaze at her. "Will you help me tell him?"

"Of course I will!" I said, reaching over and wrapping my arms around her. "Let's watch some Netflix while we wait for five hours."

She nods, giggling over the fact that Sal has to wait five hours to hear the big news.


We were in the middle of our third movie when someone knocked on the door. Sofia froze, so I got up to answer it. I paused the movie and walked over to the door.

Opening it, I smiled, seeing a nervous looking Sal. "We've been expecting you," I answer, in a creepy voice.

"I'm kinda nervous now." He admits, and I shake my head, smiling.

I walk back to Sofia who was sitting on the sofa. She was mentally preparing herself to tell him, I know she is.

"Sal, sit down," I say, as he slowly sat down. "She's about to tell you something important, so I want you to just listen until she's done."

He nods, and Sofia grabs my hand. I squeeze her's back, reassuringly.

"Sal, do you remember when we stole my mom's wine last month?" She asks, and he nods immediately smiling at the memory. "Well, we forgot to do something that night."

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