Wrong boarding school

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Honestly I don't know why this came to me but eh, I wanted to give my stories a new twist.

Amie's parent could no longer take her,so they decided to send her off to boarding school. Don't get me wrong,she was a good girl but too antisocial. The parents read the school's name but miss the little print which says 'for the worst'

Amie spend the semester with whore, killers and drug dealers,hackers and even spy on top of it,she was place with a boy, Jay Simmons, a serial killer, as her boarding partner.

Everything here is from the author's imagination.

Book cover, I just slap some words on it.

There will be violence, strong words and sexual things.

Chapters can be short or long.

Let me remind you, I speak patois(broken english) all my life and I am currently in the state learning fluent english so grammar police or haters, this book is not for you.

I do wish you enjoy this story. Thank you.


Starts August 2, 2017

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