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I pull the suitcase along the empty hallway. Reaching the front desk. Finally. I stopped in front the lady.

"Good morning."

"If you're new, breakfast is the other way."

"No that's what- I mean, I'm not suppose to be here. You see, there was a mistake and I don't belong here. I'm just a little antisocial and not really murderer or anything."

"Well if you're antisocial, that could lead to other things. It's just starter pack of being the killer or something."

"No, no. I can't kill anything. Please I just need to leave. I'm not suppose to be here. I don't have wild fetish for torture or those things either."

"Who said anything about a torturer, unless you are one."

"No ma'am I am not."

"Listen," she sigh. "You can't leave unless your parents come get you."

"Well can I have a call?"

"You don't get to use call. So just enjoy your breakfast, classes will be starting soon too. Don't be late." She smiles, "goodbye now."

"I don't care. I am leaving." I walk towards the exit door and immediately two guy shows up and cross there hands.
"You're not going anywhere." One said.

I look back at the lady and she smirks, waving at me. So I'm stuck here. Mom won't forget me. She would be too worried and come get me."


A bell goes off and immediately students flood everywhere.

"Breakfast is ready wild pigs." I stare at speaker in the ceiling. Everyone came out, looking at me. Oh no they are staring. I have to get out of here. I look down pulling the suitcase.

"Hey watch it sexy." A guy said and I clutch the suitcase closer.

"Nice ass. Wwooiiiee." I walk quicker.

"Fresh meat!" What's wrong with these people.

"I don't have a roommate," someone grab my hand. "You can stay with me."

"No." I flash away. As much as I want to exchange mister serial killer. I don't want to go to a rapist.

I run up the hall and push my door open and immediately I spot Jay, throwing his mask back on, put ammo in his gun and point it to me. He's so fast this all happen in like two seconds. I drop the suitcase and put my hands up.

"It's me."

"I don't care."
He sigh and put the gun down. "Don't ever do that." He warns.

I throw myself on the bed and sigh. "My anxiety was killing me out there and that stupid woman and security guard don't want to let me out."

I look at him and he doesn't answer. " Say, why don't you take your hoodie off?"

He point the gun at me, "I knew you can't be trust. Did you see anything?"

"No no, I didn't."

"Then why would you want to see my face?"


"Answer me!" He shouted and I heard the door open and suddenly he has two guns. One pointed at me and one at Cameron that just walked in.

"Oh." He turn them both to me.

"Calm Jay. What did she do?" He approached him.

" she asked about my mask."

"Oh no, don't." Cameron eyes got wide. "You can't do that."

"I'm sorry." I said."Jay just put the gun down. "

"Yeah," Cameron join.

He put it down. "Stupid bitch." He storms out and slam the door.

"Uhm, I'm sorry."

"It's cool. They won't let you out huh?" He ask.


"Told you so."

"Yeah, yeah."

"We have breakfast so come on." I got up.

"Wait, no." I stop.


"There are too many persons in the hallway. Imagining lunch room."

"You'll get use to them."

"No, I will just starve." I hold my stomach.

"Amie, stop it."

"I can't."

"No one would look at you." He sigh.

"Yes, I walk pass them and they all try to call after me."

"When I'm with you, they won't." He said.

"I just can't." I fold my arms.

"You do know we have class right and you have to go to class."



"Oh I brought some books."

"Yeah. Carry them with you." He opens the door. "Now let's go, the others are waiting."

I breathe, okay. "Let's go." I walk out and immediately turn back but hit into Cameron. "No." He smiles.

"Come on." He leads the way and I'm glued by his side. Everyone stares but not like last time. Until I reach the lunch room.

There are like 5000 people here. "Oh hell no."

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