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"So guys, as you know tomorrow we will be going out." Aaron shout over the gathering in the room. I tried to sit at the far back so I don't get in the way of their group meeting. "Yeah, get some food but, we have business."

The screen behind him changed, switching the black, nicely done hair guy. He looks around 30+ the picture shows him and a suit entering a bently, looking down the street.

"Mister Sinclair," he turns to the screen. "As you can see he's at the top of our list. He's after us for that diamond we took and killing all his men. We wouldn't have this problem if we had killed him and not let him survive because someone thought he was cute." Everyone turned to Emma annoyed.

"What?" She bite her lips, staring at the screen. "He was sexy and he still is."

"Well sexy or not, if you jump in front my target again, I am shooting you too." Jay said, checking his different secret guns.


"But guys. He's really after us. Since he's related to some kid here, lucas took care of him. He was suppose to meet him somewhere tomorrow but instead of that boy showing up, we will and take him out."

"Yeah, we can't have enemies out side and inside too." Cameron said.

Eyes turn at me and I look down playing with my finger. "I am not a traitor."

"No one said you were." Audrey looks at me. Her eyes dig mine and I look away.

"So tech, what's the plan to take him out?" Lucas ask. "We just kill him."

"No. We can't have the whole place on our head. He will be waiting by his car at a restaurant." Aaron slam a map on the table they were gathered. Yup! He's that one guy. "Amie, get your ass over here." I freeze but realize everyone is waiting for me to sit around the table. "We can't have you freaking out this time." I sit next to them. " so here's the plan. We'll be there exactly at 7. When he will be waiting. We will park away from him and try to find a way to get out and sniper him. This job will need, jay, me, lucas and Amie." He looks at me.


"When we get there and find a place. I will be hooking you up on wires so we can here the conversation. Amie will be going out. She will be playing a flirty slut. You know talk to him dirty and play around until he's distracted."

"Me? No. Let Emma do it."

"He knows Emma and sure enough Audrey Will not doing it. We will tell you what to do and where to stand. That's where jay comes on. He direct you where to stand and jay tries to silent sniper him. When he's dead, act like you're shock and run screaming. Make sure no witness sees your face after. Get out of there and meet us here." On the map he points to a restaurant. "Emma and audrey will probably come get you after and we meet. Lucas will get us away from where we were. That's it."

"Simple." Everyone breathe easily .

"Simple. My job is hard." I shout. " I can't talk dirty and what if Jay misses. I'm dead."

"Honey. I never miss." Jay laugh.

"I'll help you." Emma offered.

"Plus just do some of that fifty shades of thing." Everyone smirk at Jay.

"Have a problem." He shouts and they laugh.

"Just remember, use a condom." Aaron laugh.

"You're taking this so lightly." I hold my head.

"Chill Amie. We got this."

"Just do it." Jay says smiling remember that man shouting just do it." I shake my eyes and he gets close to me. "Cause you loyal, special, smart-"

"Okay Shut up mister khaled." Emma roll her eyes they laugh.

What am I going to do?

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