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"Aahh!" I grip my leg. "Noo!"

"Amie calm down."

"I'm going to die."

"Just, stop."

"No you are not."

He pulled the shirt off and wrap it around my leg. "Stop taking your clothes off!"

"I have to. You will die."

"But Jay-"

"I'm cool. Plus I was going to show you all this one day. I'm not going to hid myself for the rest of the life."

He tighten it around my leg and some blood soaked it already. "Let's go get Cameron and lucas."

I turn to look at Emma. She seems knocked out. I hop on my good leg and follow behind Jay.
He pushed the door open and we enter,seeing no one.

"Cameron! Lucas!"

"We can't find them like this." Jay shout.

"I know. Plus I don't know where I'm going and I can't walk properly. It hurts Jay." He stopped and tighten the shirt.

"I'm sorry about the blood."

"It's alright."

My eyes travel down his shirtless body. His mask fixed on his face like he's robbing a bank. His abs smile at me and my lower body ache, causing me to close my legs and look away. I don't like this feeling. It's getting me crazy since the other day.

I stare down at how loose the pants was on his waist. His v line deep and literally the sexiest thing ever.

"What are thinking about?"

Going back to the room and rub, lick and take all that body of yours.


Crap! Am I horny? Right now? At this time,I have to feel horny.

"Hey Jay, underneath here."

We look around and it seem as if it's coming from the wall.
"Tear the paper off."

I stare at the wall seeing a little flop at the end right."Jay pull that."

He pulls it and it was paper. A huge paper printed out just like the wall. But what was behind it, is a jail.

"Cameron and Lucas."

"Amie." They smile and flinch from the pain in my leg.

"We are getting out of soon." Jay break the lock and the jail gate open. They ran out and hug Jay,which is pissed off from the affection.


"No, my leg stop."

I cry out from the touch Cameron gave to my leg. "I'm so sorry."

"Let's go guys."

"Wait, no." Lucas said. "We discovered something."


"I need a hair pin."

"One was stuck in my hair." I told them. Lucas raid my hair finding the hair pin I couldn't get out. He loose it with ease. He bend it a curtain way.

Lucas tap the walls until he stop and stare at it. He grab a little flap that was on it and pull it. It was another jail, hidden behind a big paper that matches the wall.

I look inside and a woman and two little blond girls curl up in there.

"Hey guys, I'm Lucas. I'm not here to threaten or beat you. You don't need to hid. My friends and I were captured and we heard the cries of others. So we are helping you to get out.

"Really. Please! Help me. Even if it's just my little girls, help me."

"No, all of you are escaping. What's your name."

"Sherece Bowers."

We stare at each other. "Are you serious?"


"You were all over the news. You disappear with your daughters a few years ago."

"I was here. Getting used as a sexual object. Watching them beat my children if I don't. Get me out of here."

"We will. Cameron,get the papers off. I will come around and unlock them." They came out of the cell and stare down at us.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about us." Jay Said. "Your girls are fine. Go help  Cameron and lucas to find those papers."

"Okay." She did and was tearing the papers off with ease as if she knows where they are.

Lucas kept unlocking them and the funny thing is. They were all missing people that was on the news for years."

"I'm Sandra brook."

Sandra brook. Sandra brook disappear when I turned 10. We were the same age. I remember when she disappear and ten years old were kept locked in because of it. Now, she stand tall, with bruise yes, but she's alive and about eighteen now.

Cameron and sherece kept pulling the papers off more  while Lucas unlock.

"What's your name?"

"Jodian Taylor and I've been missing from 1993."

Jodian Taylor, I also remember that name. She was the little girl that disappeared from her crib.

This is not right. "It was a man in charge first and then when we thought we could leave because he died. His daughter took over. Please help us."

The stories became worst. Cameron pull apart a paper, when two people were having sex. He put back the paper. "We will release you guys last."

Jay laugh as the walk way became flooded with people. "They guys, there is a next door. They keep babies they stole there. Find my son please."

"Even babies." Lucas and Cameron did as they were told entering a different room. After some time babies one by one was out and given to an adult to hold.

"Ow!" I cry out when blood soak the shirt. It started to drip. "It hurts so bad."

Jay sigh and look around. He pick me up and carry me to a less crowded area. Where he stared at me. "Amie, I know this is weird and I never thought I would say this to a girl." I stare in confusion. "Amie, I don't care if you feel the same, but I love you."

I got rigid quickly and it felt like a couldn't breathe. "Jay."

"I really do. I love you so much. I don't know why I do, but if something happens to you. I would go crazy. Everyone was afraid of me and think I'm creep with mask. But even though you were afraid, that never stopped you from talking to me. You accepted me. Your family accepted me. I just really wanted to tell you. And you know I realize." He started to loose the shirt from my leg. "Why would I pay for my father's mistake and problem, by hiding my face and shutting the world? It's not fair." He pulled the shirt off completely and I sob a little from the air contact in my cut."So, I decided it's time for a big change in my life. And for over five years, I want you to see it."

"See what?"

He stares at me and drop the bloody shirt. He reached behind his head and his mask started being pulled off.


What do y'all think about the situation? Even other missing person. 

How do you think or want Jay to look?

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