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Jay's pov

I open my eyes and I was on the floor. What just happen? I got up and it feels like getting stab in my head over and over. My head hurt so bad. I manage to get up. Everything was a bit trashed around me. The controller on the ground and the couch messy.

"Andrew?" I call out and I didn't hear him. What is happening? I started to walk around but he was no where to be found.

I enter the kitchen and I spot him face down on the floor. "Andrew! Get up!" I shake him.


"What happened?"

"Where did he go?" He ask.


"The man." I got ice and put it on his head.

"The man? But it was just me, you and Amie here."

Wait? The man. There was a man.

"I told you. You will never win." Andrew throw down the controller and hiss his teeth.

"I need a drink."

"Whatever loser." He got up and head towards the kitchen.

A finger rub against my back. I think I should pay attention more. Amie came from downstairs and I didn't even realize.

"Pumpkin stop. I'm playing something." She continue with her actions. "Pumpkin I said stop."
She started next with two finger. Travelling up and down my back." Okay Amie, cut it out." I turn around and man dressed in full black was there.

"Wrong name."

"Who the-" his hands cover my mouth and nose. I fist at him but he got me completely on lock down.

"Stop! You ass-"

"I don't think you're in the position to disrespect me. If you do it, you will surely regret it. After all, your virgin girlfriend is upstairs."

"Leave her alone idio-"

"Oh there you go again. I will say I'm horny too. Plus I can bet she's in the shower too."


"Please? Aaww. But I guess. I have to do it. Just go to sleep, Jay Simmons."

I look over and Andrew stood at the door. "Run." I drift away.

"There was a man! Where did he go?"

"I don't know. He just said I'm not involve but he can't have me wonder the house on his job. He also said I should start planing a funeral for my sister."

"Amie!" I spring off and head upstairs. "Amie! Where are you?" I look around. The lotion bottle was on the floor and also a wet towel. Her clothes on the bed neatly that she would put on.

"Oh no." I pull my phone out and call Cameron. He answered and I shout at him.

"Calm down dude. Why did you video chat me? I'm in the tub. Unless you want to get physical, physical, let's get physical..."

"Cam, it's not time for songs."

"What's up and why are you freaking out?"

"Amie is missing."

"Amie? What are talking about?"

"Her brother and I were playing game, man came it, attack and knock me out. He attack her brother and now I don't know where Amie is."

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