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"What are you going to do when you leave?"

"I don't know. My mom is not in the country and I obviously can't live with my father." Jay frown.

"I know this might sound weird,but you can stay at my house."

"Your house?"

"With my family."

"Like meet your parents?"

"Kind of. Yeah."

"Heck no."

"Why not?"

"Pumpkin, I can't meet your parents. They will totally think I'm a creep."

"No they won't."

"Yes they will."





I sigh, knowing this is a waste of time. " I promise you. They will be happy about seeing you,than ask why you're dressed like that."

"Not really."

"Just for sometime then if anything we move in with everyone."

"But what if everyone changed their mind. What if they don't want to move and just be with their family. Do you still want to move?"

"I'm not sure. Where are we going to get money from?"

"I don't know."

"Anyways, they will not think you're a creep."

"They will." He scoop closer to me.

"How do you know that?"

"You're bringing home a murderer and dressed in a hoodie."

"Yeah, but-"

"Make sense."

"Just trust me. If they say anything, I will stop them and show them that they are wrong about you."

"Okay, fine."


He rolled his eyes and I leaped on him.


"Get the bag." Aaron shout at Lucas.

"Don't scream at me. I'm emotional." He said in a crying tone.

"Stop being a little baby, idiot."

"But I'm going to miss you man."

"But we will meet again, soon."

"Yeah, I can't wait."

I look at them all and I can't believe there is a way out of this place. I did tell my parents that they will allow me to come home and that there's a special friend staying with us for some while.

I also need to make sure she understand that, that school was the wrong boarding school.

"Amie." I look up where Cameron stare at me.


"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. Will you?"

"Of course."

"So will we meet again soon?"

"I guess so."

"But I will miss you."

"Don't worry Amie, I will too."

I pout when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Don't mean to break the sadness going on here and I will also miss you Amie, but I'm still kind of in pain from the gunshot. I need to go home." Aaron said.

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