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"And then she started gagging, I'm like weak." Cameron is explaining how he got heads from a girl.

"You think that's a turn on? I met one that was speaking my hacker language, working on her laptop and still be giving me head."

"Talent." Lucas said.

"How mean you guys are?" Emma said, flashing her hair drunk to the side. "What about you guys? You get head, I'm sure you give."

"I don't go low on girls ," lucas push the conversation off. " But they go down on me,but if they do, we don't kiss."

"Oh really why?" Audrey ask.

"I'm partially black. Black people don't do y'all white shit."

"You liar." The table started attacking Lucas and he laughs.

"I was with a black dude once and he ate everything, like he don't have a dick to use."

"Well some black people but I have never heard of a white person refusing oral sex on their parent."

"You racist bitch."

Lucas laugh, "I'm just joking."

Audrey hit him in the head, "it's not funny."

"Ow. Remember you don't hit like a girl." He rub his head.

"Oh, oh, let's play truth or dare." Emma bring up.

Gosh, all of them are drunk and wild. They were talking about oral sex.

I look at Jay and he's quiet with his hands deep in his pocket.

"Truth or dare."

"Dare." Cameron answer.

"I dare you to twerk."

"Come on, that's gay."

"Do it."

Cameron got up and tried twerking. The shame when a guy can twerk better than me.

He sit embarrass when Jay lean over. "Guy's, 12:00 me. They have been watching us ever since we got here."

Lucas laugh, spinning the bottle, "don't you think we noticed." He said, pretending to still play the game. The bottle land on Audrey. "I dare you twerk on Aaron."

"Bruh." She stares at him

"What are we going to do?" Emma ask. All of a sudden when Audrey started twerking. She looks like she is hyping it but they talking and seem sober.

"Just be prepared." Jay said yeah.

"Yeah, we're leaving now."

"Jay," I grab his hands. "Just be prepared to shoot someone." He answer back. They got up and started exiting the restaurant when a shot was fired over our heads.

"Where do you think you're going?" A man with his cigar standing in front a group of men in black.

"Leaving." Emma said.

"No." He blow the smoke out. "I have business with all of you. You gave me wrong drugs, you took my money without giving me sex, you stole my laptop and you hacked into it and post my information. Do you know how much more, you guys cost me?"

"We don't care."

"We will care. Plus I see you have fresh meat. I want her."

"She not for sale idiot." Jay said. "And you're wasting our time."

"I'll tell you when to-" bow! I duck when I heard another gun shot. When I look up the man cigar dropped from his mouth and he clutch his blood stomach. We all watch him fall to the ground.

"Caption, boss. What did you do to our leader?" Some men said as everyone started leaving the building.

"Oops!" Emma smirk, spinning the gun on her finger.

"God Damn it Em, run!" Jay said as the men started shooting at us.
Jay grab me and started running but these heels. "Touch the flicking side. "He said.

I quickly stop and touch the side. The heels break down into a flat bottom sneakers. What in the world is this.


Jay shot a man behind me. "Come on." We run outside where I saw them line up.

Everyone except Lucas.
The man followed as I heard the restaurant door slam.

"Time to die." They started shooting as I stay behind Jay. The men started falling, some tried to run back in but the door was close. Some tried running from the scene but got caught.

Gunshots were heard from inside the restaurant. I took a look and they were falling like nothing. As if they don't have a life.

Gunshots after gunshots, blood flowing my way, blood splattered on us, even though I'm behind Jay.

Some even begged but they just kept shooting random as they fall like lifeless.

I heard them stop. I tremble behind Jay.

"That was a good exercise." Lucas laugh and stretch his neck when he exit the restaurant.

Jay turn to me and I can't believe. My body won't stop shaking. "Are you okay?" Jay grab my shoulder and I push it off. "Don't touch me." I shout.

"Amie."the rest reach after me.

"Stop it!"

"Amie calm down." Lucas said.

"You guys are monsters."

"Amie seriously?" Emma said.

"And you too. How could you?" I stare at emma.

"Let's just go."

"I am not going anywhere with you guys." I stare at the blood on me and I the dead body pile on the ground. The amount of blood flow into the road.

Jay grab me. "Let me go." They throw me into the back of the car.

"Let me go! Help!" I shout.

"Shut up!" Jay shouted when the car started moving. The place went silent.

"How could you?"

"This Damn world is kill or be killed for us. What if we didn't act fast enough, we would've died."

"I don't care. Monsters." I crawl away from jay and sit at a lonely part in the car.

Tears sting my face as blood drip from my body. Those murderers. They didn't hesitate one bit even after I heard begging.

They have family and innocent people could also be in it. I am done with this group.

Y'all not commenting what you think about this book.

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