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"They are monthly mail." Audrey said.

"Monthly mail?"

"Yeah. Even though we are in here, our parents and love ones can send us letters. Because you're new, I don't think you would get mail like us, but it's about time you get mail.

"Oh really?"

"Stay close, it will get hectic."

"Oh." I walk into a crowd and Audrey hold my hands pulling me. When we reach at the counter, "Audrey Henderson." She shouted.

"Amie Johnson." I shouted afterwards.

"Wait a minute." The lady said, while I look around. "Here it is." She handed them to us but we have to switch because she gave me Audrey and Audrey, Amie.

"Let's go." She grip my hands again and lead me from the crowd.

"Hey!" A hand grab my other hand and Audrey spin on her heels ready to attack.

"Wait, Audrey."

I look at the girl in front of me. "Uhm, I'm not sure if this is the right school, but I was sent to a boarding school and I have no idea how to get to my room.

"Oh what's your room number?"


"We'll take you there."

"No!" Audrey shout.


"I said no."

"Come on help this poor new girl out."

"Leave her here, she will eventually find her way there."

"Please Audrey." I pout and she sigh.

"Let's go." She walk off and the girl squeal happily, following behind Audrey.

"So why are you here?"

"I don't know. Mom just decide that she will send me to a boarding school."

"Related game strong." I said and she laugh.


"Oh thank you." She hugs Audrey and she push her off.

"What did you just put on me?" Audrey question.

"I have nothing, I just hug you."

"Don't do that ever again."

"I'm sorry."

"Let's go Amie." She grab my arm hard and pull me. "Bye." I shouted to the girl. I didn't even get her name.

Audrey burst into the room, slamming the door. When we turn, guns and knife were ready for us.

"Wait, it's just us." I shouted.

"You guys scare us." Aaron laugh.

"Annie sit!" Audrey ordered.

Uhm. "Sit!" I sat down.

"Listen to me, since you walk and talk with us, let's go over this. You see someone new wondering the halls, leave them alone and refuse anything they ask or give you. Don't let them touch you either."


"What if the girl wanted to kill us. We just did everything we are not suppose to."

"What!" Everyone shouted.

"Amie, saw a girl downstairs, that ask direction. She stood there when I clearly said no, then bring the girl to her room. That girl even hug me."

"Amie, don't do that." Lucas told us."

"Aaron, I'll be in the secret dorm, I need a scan from head to toe if any was place of me."

"Let's go." Audrey, Aaron, Lucas and Emma left. But soon Cameron left too.

"You know you shouldn't have that."

"But she's so sweet and innocent."

"You don't know that. The girl could be a killer or a spy for all I know. You don't just talk to people."

"But you guys talk to me."

"No! You're different. We could tell you that you have no idea what was happening. You were trying to leave."

"But I think she's fine. Nothing is wrong with her."

"You still don't know. I hate how you always assume everything."

I sigh. "I'm sorry.I just thought she was a nice girl."

He rest his hands on my shoulder. "I understand. But you got to be careful. If you do something stupid, you put us in danger too."

I look down. "Now do you understand?"

"Yeah." I look up and he was slightly close to me. My cheek heat up and he backs away, slapping his own cheek.

"We need to stop being so close."

"Yeah." I look away, frowning.

I'm sorry if the names are different from previous chapters. I stopped writing this book for some while and I just started back. So I don't remember everything.

But it's all cool wrong boarder, it will be fun.

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