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"You didn't tell us."


"We need to celebrate."

"I guess so."

"But where?"

"Since the system is fixed, let's go out."

"Note,you might have to shoot someone on your birthday."

"I'm prepared." He laughs and stares at me again.

"Cameron." I wave my hand in front his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Uhm yeah." He got up. "So we'll leave at six?"

"Yeah I guess."

"So uhm, see you around Amie." And with that he left.

I look at Jay that is sleeping peacefully. What does he looks like?


"Happy birthday!" Emma shout. "Remember tonight we will party!"

Mia jump up, "party? Finally."

"It's my birthday."

"Can I come?" Mia asked.

"I uhm, I'm not sure yet."

"Why not?"

"You know the others don't trust you yet right?" Emma chewed her bubble gum.

"Yeah but, you guys trust me and I know Jay also trust me."

I got rigid a little bit wanting to ask, why did she kiss Jay. But I stayed silent.

"Oh really? Jay?" Emma laugh.


"I see you and him getting close." Mia blush. Close? You mouth raped him.

"So what about Cameron?" Both of them look at me.

"He's is so cool too. And you wouldn't guess what he gave."


"A bracelet with his name."

"Oh really." I look away.

"Who do you like more?" Emma ask and I quickly change the topic.

"What am I going to wear tonight?"

They stare at me and then decided on the change of topic. "Oh Uhm, I would have to see your closet."

"No not right now. I'll go get them."


"Jay is sleeping." Emma stay silent, staring in space and I have an idea of her flashback. Mia just smile.

"That is so adorable." Mia squeal.

"Anyways, go get them." Emma push me out.

I unlock the door and enter seeing Jay still sound a sleep. He is wrapped in the sheet like a sandwich and his hoodie slightly show his eyes.

His eyes open suddenly and he stares at me. "Amie,I'm sick." He mumbles. "I should never drink that hard again."

I laugh a little. "Let me check your temperature." Wait how?

I push my hand in his top hoodie slightly brushing against his forehead. I keep my hand in the hoodie so I won't reveal his face, checking his temperature. He's burning. Crap!

"What should I do?" I look down and see that some string of hair fell out. Oh my gosh! The colour is amazing. He has a dark glittering gold brownish mix in. Plus my hand is like at the tip of the hoodie, how did his hair reach this long? Be must have tall hair.

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