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The taxi Jay and I took drop us off at my house. "Ready?"

He frowns. "Yes pumpkin."

I ring the door bell and within second, the door fly open revealing my mother.

"Mom!" I shout, launching for her.

"Oh my baby." She wrap her arms around me. "I miss you so much." She hugs me tighter.

"Mommy, you're squeezing me."

"Sorry. Oh come in." She said then look at Jay. Crap,!

"Oh my gosh," no. Not so soon mom. "Honey, you have so many split ends."

Wait what. "You're not treating your hair properly. Get settled in and I will clip your hair after.

"Um okay."

"Dave, your daughter is here!" Mom shout.

"Amie?" I heard a shout back.

"No Sophia. Of course it's Amie. Who else?"

I heard footstep rumbling down the stairs as I take a seat with Jay and mom in the living room. She's just as how I left her. Maybe sexier but the same mom.

She still has that hot girl look with short shorts and tank top. Crazy over make up and like a prom queen in high school.

Dad stepped in. Dad on the other hand is muscular. Likes lifting weight. He's in his forty but as 'hot' as one of those high school bad boy.

"Amie." He run and leap in the couch on me. He kisses my face and hug me. "I'm so glad you're here. I can't take your mother's cursing anymore. I don't know how you wash dishes so often."

"Really that's the only reason."

Andrew walked in and smirk. "Oh hi Amie."


"Glad to see you." He smirk.

"Wish I could say the same."

"Oh aren't you the perfect little sister."

"Sadly you aren't the brother I hope for."

"Oh." He sit in the couch near Jay. I glare at my stupid brother.

"Cut it out you guys." Mom turns to Jay. "Hi I'm Annie, Amie's mom, nice to meet you." Mom exchange hand shake with Jay.

"I'm Jay, Amie's uhm..djgjs.. nice to meet you."

"Amie's what?"


"Uhm I don't understand what you're saying."

"Amie's boyfriend."

Mom and dad gasp. Andrew lean over and whisper to Jay. "You do know she's a weirdo right?"

I throw a pillow,hitting Andrew in the face.

"You're dating my daughter." Dad stand next to Jay.

"Uhm yes."

"Stand up."

He did and dad look him up and down. They are basically on the same height. "If I ever hear a word about you hurting my daughter. You will be dead."

"Yes sir. I will never." I have never heard Jay being so polite.

"You better. But other wise, welcome to the family." He shake hand viciously with Jay.


"So tell me."

"Did you two do the nasty?" Dad smirk.


"What I just want to know if you're sexually active or not."


"Anyways, don't mean to be rude but what's with the hoodie and mask."

"Uhm mom, that's not really-"

"It's my choice. I think I'll be safer this way."


"Amie it's okay."

"Safer from what?"

"My family is not very the good type of people. Especially my dad. A lot of people want him for good and bad,so I decided to just wear this. No one will notice me."

"That's cool."

"Is your dad like a killer?" Andrew ask.

"No he is not guys. Now stop with the question." I told them.

Dad rolled his eyes. "We know it's your boyfriend and all but you don't have to be so selfish."

I sigh.

"Anyways, you guys can get settled in and unpack. Jay, you can stay as long as you want." Mom smile. "I'll go get dinner started."

"It's cool to meet you dude." Andrew shake his hand.

I grab the suitcase and pull it upstairs. Once I reach, I open my door revealing my room the same. The door close and Jay sigh, dropping every thing.

"That was so nerve wrecking."


"Sorry pumpkin."

"It's okay. They seem to like you."

"Really. Sure they aren't pretending?"

I walk closer to him. "I'm sure." I kiss him and pout. "You know I hate kissing you like that."

"Like what?"

"The mask."

"Close your eyes." He said and I did so. I feel his direct lips on mine, the mask which is rolled up on my nose and I kiss him harder.

I heard him moan in the kiss but push me back. I open my eyes and he quickly place a hand over them. "I need to rolled down my mask."

"Sorry." He removed it and laugh.

"Close one."

"Why did you stop?"

"I just don't want anything to happen. This is your parents house. I do have respect for them."


"Come on Amie, as far as I can see, maybe there are cameras here."

I sigh."Yeah whatever."

Sorry to end the chapter like this but just trying to get a base for the outside world.

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