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I grab my suitcase behind me. Honestly what type of parents send their child to some boarding school because they are socially awkward.

I enter through the gates and I immediately feel strange. I stop. Okay amie, you can do this. You're going in to find room 305 and lock yourself in, under the bed.

I look up and sigh, before heading inside. I saw a lady at a front desk in which I sign my name and gave me my right fitted uniform.

I head off looking for 305 room. I hope no one comes out of there room just to speak. I'm not mentally prepared.

my eyes slide pass 299 as I heard voices. I pick up my pace and dash down the hall, spotting 305, oh yes.

I slowly enter the room and the place was clean. The sheets were nice, the wall was a dark lime green with stripes of white, the floor was wooden with a nice furry white carpet, the bathroom could be seen and it looks fairly clean as well as the mini kitchen section.

Still won't be bad, as long as I stay locked in this room. I grab my suitcase, pushing the clothes in the draws and set up my small dresser up with other item.

This took me one and a half hour to do that and pack out some mini snacks.

I'm finally finish. I plop down on the bed when the door blast open. My eyes fly up to 6 persons as they laugh and some stumble in.

I grip the sheet as they enter more. The boy at the front eyes saw my eyes and immediately stop." Stop guys." He said to his friends.

He immediately reach to his side and pull out a black shinny pistol, and point it straight at me.

Without hesitation, he crank the gun. "Who are you?" My throat. It feels as if it's about to close off and the room got dizzy.

"Shit, state your name and how did you get in here?" He asked. He has many tattoo and light brown hair. He is also muscular with the cutest but mean face.

"I'll ask you one more time." He extend his legs in his tight rip jeans and step forward.

"Just shoot her." A girl said, twirling her dirty blond hair, clothes that hides no part of her body, and pop a chewing gum loud enough.

"Fine." He aim it properly at me.

"No!" Came out. They were shock but stare at me.

"Since I know you're not deaf or dumb, who the hell are you?" He ask.

"I'm amie Johnson."

"Amie Johnson, what are you doing in here?"

"I was assign to this room for my boarding school program."

His hands drop to the side. "You, you're going to attend this school." They all laugh.


"But how am I sure? Because I don't see any of your stuff."

"They are in the draw and everything, now please don't shoot me." I beg after.

"Wow Amie." He said. "You must really be new here to get caught like that." He put back the gun. "I'm sorry, I'm Cameron," he extend his hands but pull it back in when I reached out for it. "Cameron Parker."

He walked in more, throwing himself on the other bed. Like seriously, they don't look shy, antisocial children.

The rest came in eyeing me, as they all take a seat. "I'm Amie." I said.

"We know." The dirty blond said. "And I'm Emma."

"Okay." I look away to a next boy.

"Oh, I'm Aaron." He was not that bad looking, but he dress like a gangster nerd, forcing his glasses on his face more. He had small little tattoos but not many.

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