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"I just wish I could find someone that loves me." Emma sigh as she swing back and forth on the swing set. "No matter what I do, no one can seem to commit to a relationship with me."

Her eyes dart to Cameron and I stare at him. He was teaching Aaron, Lucas and Audrey how to dance.

"Well not in there I won't."


"Cameron seems to like you."

"Me? Cameron? No."

"Oh please, look at how he looks at you the day we met. Cameron and I were like brother and sister when we were dating. He wouldn't touch me, show me affection or let it known to the world that I was his. I always like him, but I guess he got what he wanted and then left. After all, I am a prostitute."

"No way, I'm sure Cameron did like you." I look up and Cameron smile.

"Hey Amie!" He shouted and Emma growl.

"See, he didn't even acknowledge me."

"Oh come on Emma,don't mind that."


"You okay now?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Got me out here in this Damn cold." Jay curse sitting in the next swing set. We are currently at the park having a good time instead being in a restaurant with different people after us.

"It's not that bad jay, it's actually nice to be out here for once. Without running from anyone."
I smile at him.

"Well I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry." Emma rolled her eyes.

"And you're always craving di-"

"Uhm such a lovely night isn't it?" I laugh nervous cutting Jay.

Emma hiss at him. "Whatever." Jay hop of the swing set and walk around back and forth.

"You two are lame," Emma hop off too. "I'll be over there learning to dance."

"Look at them they can't even dance." Jay sigh. "They are such idiots."

"Why are you guys so mean to each other?"

"Trust we hate each other. But the only thing is, we only have each other."

"I wish I had friends." He stop in front me.


I guess I'm just a little extra friend then. They don't consider me as one of them.

"Shit,Amie." I look up at Jay that stares deep into my eyes. "I can't take this anymore. Don't move." He step closer to me. His eyes piercing into mine.

"What are you-" he step as close to me cuffing my cheek. "Jay what are doing?"

"Sshh! Don't speak." He smiles warmly at me.


"Shh! I'm sorry I'm going to do this." He leans down.

Jay? What is he doing? Is he seriously about to kiss me. Though I wouldn't mind. He's wearing his mask where I can see his eyes, nose and mouth. His mouth parted and I close my eyes and hold his waist, puckering out my lips.


I heard a loud sound and my ear bell ring hard. My hair blew up from the impact too. I open my eyes and Jay was looking behind me.

Wait what? I turn around and a man was laying on the ground,dead.

"Yes!" Jay shouted.

"Jesus,Jay, that was loud. Give us a warning." Cameron rub his ears.

Jay turn to me. "I'm sorry. I had to play as if I didn't see him creeping up behind us. And also for that loud gun shot next to ear.

"Yeah." I look away. I hope he didn't realize I was ready for his 'kiss'. He just tried to play it off.

Why did I even pucker up for his kiss.

"Amie behind you." I grab my gun and shoot behind me. A sudden groan was heard and a man fall in front of me.

"Be careful,Amie. Why are you so zone out?" Audrey tap my shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"Over here!" Some voices were heard.

"Shit!" Lucas shouted and I heard steps next to me. I turn around seeing three guys, tower over me.

One grab my hair. "Amie!" Lucas scream.

"You little whore shot my comrade." He drag me by the hair. "Now what am I going to do to you?"

"You better not-" Cameron walk towards us but a man point at him.

"Don't move or you're dead and she's getting it too." The mask man pull my head back when I feel a cold metal press against the side of my head.

"You guys think you can go around killing my friends and get away with it? I'm sick and tired of you. Since you want to play games with is, what will we do to miss amie is her name, here."

He move the tip of the gun down my body. Sliding between my boobs. "My manhood could use a bit of saliva from a young sweet girl like you."

"Stop it. She's not apart of us. She has nothing to do this." Aaron said.

"Oh really." He slide the gun lower and up my skirt. I felt the coldness touch my thigh and I jump.

"Innocent are you?"

"Stop touching her and just let her go." Audrey hiss.

"What is this, your phone?" It fell from the little pouch I keep on my side. "What if we decided to take you, I don't want any tracker." He step on it.

"Oh hell no!" I exclaimed.
"You can touch me if you want but now dare you step a girl's phone." I twist myself around, hitting him in the wrist with the pocket knife I keep in my boot.

"Idiot!" He shouted wrapping his bloody wrist.

"Any last words?" I ask.

"Go to hell slut!" I shot him in the mouth with hesitation. His eyes widen before they roll back and he fell.

"You guys dare play with my phone." I shot the next one to my left then right within seconds. A hand wrap around my neck and I gasp for air.

I try to stay firm, bringing my foot back into his crotch when he release me and fell. "Ass!" I went over him and shot him.

"Damn Amie,calm down." Emma sigh. "They are dead already."

"I'm just sick and tired of getting attack."

"Who knew you were that crazy?" Cameron smile.

"I uhm, I don't know." I blush. I look at Jay and he stare at me wide eyes before looking away.

"Okay that's a night, let's eat something and leave."jay announce and walk away.

"What's with him?" Emma ask.

"I have no idea." Audrey answered.


"That was fun." I shouted, remembering the different food we eat.

"I know right," Cameron lick his lips, "that was amazing." He
smirk and my mind goes back to Cameron coming from the bathroom with a girl.

"You nasty piece of shit." Audrey laugh.

"Anyways too bad we have to go back." Emma pout. "It's so annoying sometimes."

"But we have to." Aaron remind us and the car got silent.

I look at Jay and he looks away quickly. What's up with him?
And I can't believe I shot dead a couple people and feel so normal.

What's wrong with me?

What's up with the comments? And I want to give us a name. What about wrong boarders?

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