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"Emma what are you doing?"

"I'm no longer apart of that group."

"But still, you shot the man."

"I know, awesome. "


"Wait, how are you alive?" Jay shouted. "You're suppose to be dead."

Mia laugh. "Oh silly you. Do you really think I would escape, just to die?"

"But they said you were dead."

"We hear fake news everyday."

"So how? How did you escape and why are you doing this?"

"I guess I can share an explanation since you will be dead in a few minutes. But trust me, some of those security, were my followers. I just told them the plan, they put a look a like pill in my mouth. But it was mint. I swallowed it, go through the thing and I was basically out. The tracker thing was hard to get off but I know a couple guys. That's how we escape. With the help of those security guards."

"But still Mia, what have we done to you?"

"You killed my father."

"He was trying to kill us."

"Plus look at my men. They are all dead."

"I was being attacked."

"Your problem. My father was a good man to me and you took him away. You cause my mother to suffer and lose it. Even though he did wrong sometimes, he deserves to live. To see his family once more. But you took that away."

"Listen, I didn't mean to-"

"Save your apology. Your faith is already decided. You two aren't going to make it out here alive today. You two will pay for the hurt you cause us."

"Us? What did we do to Emma?" I ask.

"Not we, it's you." She said.

"Emma, what are you talking about?"

Emma sigh looking away. "You took everything from me in a couple months."

"What? I did not."

"Yes you did.  You took my brother. Even though we aren't related by blood, Aaron means a lot to me."

"But you shot him?"

"You cause it. You didn't stop until you force yourself on him. He use to call me his little sister. Not you. Now it's hard for him to recognize me. He only talked to me when he wants to know where you are. He got so close to you and leave me behind. You took him away from me." She started to cry, holding it back hard.

"First of all, blame Aaron. Don't pin his wrong doing on me. I have never forced myself on Aaron. So if he decided to call me his little sister, that's his problem."

"See? You can't even apologize. You're just being a selfish piece of shit."

"I'm sorry Emma."

"It's too late. There is nothing to return to. Even Cameron. You have him around your finger. He liked you the minute he met you. I had to force it, to be with him. I gave my all to the relationship. Believing he wanted me and cared about me enough. I know being a prostitute is what I do but he makes me feel disgusted with myself. He just used me. Have sex then left me. I try and try for him to like me but he never did. Then all of a sudden, miss Amie Johnson came and he fell in love. Didn't you hear, on your birthday? About how he had never loved someone like you before. How you make him feel. The only reason he's not all over you, he respected Jay."

"Emma, I can't control Cameron's feeling."

"Jay as well. I know Jay for at least six years. And you came for some month. Jay would choose you over me. I remember that freezing night in winter and I never have a hoodie or jacket. No one had extra except Jay. I beg, cry and ask for a hoodie, but I was left in the cold. I stayed in the shower, running hot water on me. I nearly froze to death. But a little hickey on your neck, and he offered it to you. Look at you. If I was kidnap, I would have to walk home like that. He would never give me his hoodie."

"I understand Emma, but blame them, not me."

"You, that's where it begins. How you took all my friends. They don't notice me."

"Do you think it's easy for me? How would it feel to know you're close with a person and your initial can't even get add on the name you build. To get threaten everyday by Jay."

"So what? It's hard to be around the virgin girl. Everyone wanted your virginity. You're pure and clean. They all want you. Why would I stay in a friendship where no will notice I'm gone or show some remorse?"

"But with Mia?"

"Sophia." She correct.

"Sophia? Mia? Whatever. "

"She made me feel special. When she told me her actual plans, I was shock and going to inform you guys. But sophi, make me one in a million. So I've decided to to go with her."

"Fine." Jay said. "All because of revenge and jealously."


"You better prepare to die sweet boy."mia walk over to Jay.

"Don't think so." Jay fling a pan at her breast and she drop. "So easy." He laugh at her. She kick his foot and  he fell on top of her. "You will pay Jay." he smirk grabbing her breast. Her face turn red and he squeeze them hard.

She scream in pain, and try to pull away. I am jealous, but it is working. She lifted her knee hitting Jay in balls.

He slide off her and she grab her breast, whimpering. "Are you trying to give me breast cancer?"

"Pay attention!" I turn around and Emma hit me.

"Stop it. I don't want to fight. She's turning you against us."

"No. This is my choice. Now fight me. I will kill you."

I stare at her darker her eyes got. "You aren't serious."

"I am."

"Okay, I'm done with sympathy!".we stop fighting turn to Jay and Mia. He fist Mia hard and pull the knife out the board that was stuck.

"You want to kill me and I'm not doing a thing to you. My sympathy is over." He turn and push the knife straight through her head.

The knife end only stick out and her body shake. Her eyes rolled over and she fell.

"Noo!" Emma shout and turn to me. "If she dies, you die."

She point her gun to me.

"No!" Jay tackled her but she still fire. I feel a sting pain, run violently through my leg. I look down, blood and pain fill my body as cried out.


"You prepare to say goodbye." She smirk.

Vote and comment. What do y'all think about the ending? Do you think Emma did the right thing and left?

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