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I sit up the whole night. I just can't sleep with Jay anymore. What they did a week ago, I still hate them and I haven't talked to them ever since.

I feel the lights attack my pupil and I close them shut.

"Okay Amie, get up." I heard. I squint my eyes and adjust everything before looking at the masked devil.

"You need to stop this right now." Jay said. "You've been avoiding us and some how everyone think it's my fault. Just get up,class are about to start and you don't want to be here when that robot gets here."

I stayed quiet like I've always been. "And you still won't talk."

I look away like a stubborn cocky rich man. "Stupid whore." I hear him mumbled. "I'm not about to do this with you. I'm not the one to be playing guessing and silent game. So if you come on right now I won't harm you but continue to be the stubborn girl you are ." He grab me closer to him. He's back into the state when I just met him, cold eyes and straight murder glare. "And if you ever," his hands clutch my shirt, shoving it under my chin, "I will-"

"Ay yo Jay! We all-" he stop in his track. Cameron eyes look at jay's then mine.

"So is he ready?" Emma stare at Cameron before following his eyes to us. "Well, well, well, well, it's only two things that was happening."

"First," Cameron said, "either Jay finally lose it, and decided to kill her."

"No, she would have been dead already." They start there thinking of what lead up to them catching jay basically chocking me.

His hands never move from my shirt which is full fist under my chin.

"Maybe they watched 50 shades of grey together and decided to a foreplay."

Jay move his hands quickly. "Who wants to do foreplay with her?" I gasp for air relaxing my now wrinkled shirt.

"Apparently you." Emma laugh. "So," her hands attack to Jay's shoulder. He sits on the bed staring up at emma as she tried whispering to him. " between me and you, where are you hiding the ropes?"

"Get off!" He push her off.

"Come on."

"You really want to know?" He set his gun in his backpack for class."I keep them in your family."

"My fami-"

"That's right. Your family. Just go round back and they will be waiting for you."

"For real. My family is here?" She covers out mouth excited.

"They are always here. The dumpster."

She slap him and I laugh. All eyes look at him.

"What? It was funny."

"Now you decided to talk?" Jay got up. Throwing his bag over his shoulder. I didn't answer.
"Don't be late to class." He exit the room. "Bitch!"

I sigh.

"Just come on. You have to go to class. What happened last week was nothing. If we didn't kill them, they would've bite us in the ass for killing their leader." Cameron explain. "If we were captured, imaging us begging for our life. They don't care. So we just did it to them before they do it to us."

"But, it's just new, that's all."

"You will get use to it."

"So there will be more?"

"Maybe." He smiles at me.

I pout, sliding out of the bed looking up at Cameron who bite his lip at me. I raise my eyebrow and he smirk as his eyes roam my body.

I look down and forgot that I am wearing a crop top and body shorts.

"Like what you see?" I ask, snapping his eyes to mine.

"A lot. Sorry Jay had to be your roommate. We can exchange roommates if you want? But you would be able to walk in the mornings."

My eyes expand with shock. "What? You will cut my legs off or something?" I try to filter off his dirty joke.

"You wanna find out?" He came closer to me, closing any space between us. "I can show you now." A hand brush pass my bottom and I jump.

I slap his hand, "Cameron!"

"Oh come of Cameron. Leave her alone." Emma said angry. "Don't you have fricking claws to go."

"Why don't you just leave and practise how to suck a dick in your class."

She gasp at his words. "Loser." She walks out, slamming the door.

"What's that about?" I brush my teeth, watching Cameron in the room.

"Well, I think she's jealous."

"What do you mean?"

"We use to date. "

"Couple? Aaww."

"It was awww, until we broke up. She just started tripping about when we go out, I stare at the outside ladies more as if she's not good enough. So I just couldn't take it and we broke up."

I spit the toothpaste out. "Sorry. It's your fault anyways. You started to flirt with me first."

"I can't help it but to flirt with such beauty and sexiness in front me." I watch him smile as I wash my mouth out and dry it.

"Is that so? Well eyes need to be somewhere else because I'm going to chang-"


"Excuse me!"


"Rude much." I roll me eyes. "What?"

"We are late." He whisper.


"The robot. They are in the room next door." I listen to all the shoveling next door.

"Okay,let me change."

"No. Grab your gun and let's go."

"It's not my gun and we have time."

"That thing search hella fast and it check body heat. You have no time,so just grab that and lets go." He whisper.

"But I can't wear booty shorts and-"

"God damn it." He grab jays gun and open the door ,pulling me down the hall. "If one sees us, everyone one of them is alerted." We turn the corner spotting one and turn back."shh." We stick to the wall as the white and black thing slowly pass us,didn't care to check down the hall."come on." He peep around the corner. "Clear,run." We bolted across the huge lunch room and run straight to the corridor that leads us to the tubes. "Stop!" He nearly shout.

"One is in front the tube,circling."

"Shit." I mumble.

"Okay Uhm.."

"Think of something we are wide in the opening."

"Uhm. Guess I'll lose my keys." He pull his room keys out."I will throw this the other way,and he move,we run to our tube. Here's your gun." I took it.

I look behind me before Cameron mouthed the count down. "3...2...1." He throw the keys down then hall making a big sound and in a flash the robot is in front us. I didn't see it move. It's so fast. I thought it would roll down here gently but it was quicker than flash. These things are fast. He blast the keys,leaving a big burn out hole in the floor.

"Run!" The thing look to the side. Wrong side. By the time it look to where we were previously standing we were saying our farewell into the tubes.

As I slide down the tube,how fast and accurate that thing is. When they told me,I thought it was some old robot thing. We would've gonna blast up if it didn't look the other way because it stopped in front of us and blast the key. The heat wave was strong too.

I drop from the tube and into the chair. I got up,spotting the class already practicing their moves. I walk closer to the class when everyone turns around. Shit!

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