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"Emma, what are you doing?" Aaron shout.


"Put your gun down or aim it at Mia."

"I think I'm alright with aiming it at Jay."

"Mia, listen to me. I'm your big brother."

"Not by blood, so technically you are not."

"But we've been together since childhood. We are best friend."

"Too bad." And Mia laugh. "Drop the gun, Jay."

"Emma you don't want to betray us. I'm not sure of what she threaten you with, but will be okay. Just don't do this. You can't betray us."

"Aaron save your tears. I'm done with you guys."

"After all that!" Aaron got up angry. "You're just going to throw that away. What about getting old together?"

"I don't care anymore."

He turns to Cameron. "Say something. She is your ex and basically your best friend too. You're going to make her leave like this?"

Cameron sigh, "Emma, I don't know what's wrong or what to do in this situation, but you don't understand how much you mean to us. I'm not going to cry like Aaron over here, but I'll ask you this last question. If you go, I will look at you as an enemy. But if you stay, I promise we can talk this out. What will you do. Are you staying or leaving?"

"I'm leaving. I don't want anything to do with you."

"Nope, Emma stop. You're coming home with us." Aarom walk up to her.

"Stop Aaron. I will shoot."

"You would never do th-"


My eyes open and Aaron is on the ground, clutching his stomach. Mia laugh and pick up her gun.

"Attack." All the men the restaurant got up, heading towards us.

"Oh shit." shots are going all over the place and I just sit there. Not moving. What should I do?

Mia was an agent and Emma turn against us. What should I do? I knew something was off but I never thought this. My eyes got blurry and look every where. It's just not right.

I look up watching the battle die down. What is happening? I got up and walk. Where? I don't know. I just want to get out of here. This is the part where I wake up from this horribly dream. But this ain't no dream. It's reality. And I don't know what to do.

I open the purse and take out the gun that Jay lend me.

"Amie shoot her!"

Shoot? Shoot who?

"Amie please."

Me? But who?

"Amie!" My eyes widen and I was at the entrance. All the men died. Mia was running towards me.

She ran pass me. "Shoot her." When I turn around Emma and I bump into each other.


"Amie." We stare at each other.

"Emma lets go." Mia call from outside.

"Amie shoot her. Her gun is empty." I stare at Emma and she quickly run pass me. I stay at the same place, looking at one spot.

"Amie I told you to shoot her." Jay stop in front of me.

"Uhm, I'm sorry."

"Let's go."


"Fuck!" Jay shout. "That bitch betrayed us."

"Jay, remember, no curse words in this book." The author of this story curse Jay.

"I'm sorry. I'm just mad that you make Emma betrayed us."

"Well an author have to do, what an author have to do, to make this book interesting."

"Whatever, go back to writing."


"Gosh," Jay shout. "Why did Emma have to betray us?" Jay stop and smile at the author.

"Better." She said.


"But I can't believe either." Audrey shout.

We are in the secret room only we can access. "What are we going to do?"

"Treat her as enemy."



"Guys but before you deal with her, Aaron is dying over here."

I look down at Aaron. "This will help." Cameron said, pouring some power from a bag in the hole.

Aaron cry out in pain. Foaming from the mouth.

"Is he okay."

"That thing will heal him so fast, but it's powerful."

His eyes rolled over and his body shake fast. One minute of this and his body just die down. Audrey clean his face and cover him to rest.

We all stare at each other. Our trust is fading.

I can't believe emma. She betrayed the gang. But comment what you thing

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