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"So girl, I was just thinking how cut you look." Emma said, clutching my arm.

"I know, first actual mission."

"Just try to remember what I thought you and click the heels to get a sneaker to run faster."

"I'm so scared."

"Just be natural."

"The natural me is like a ugly shy potato."

She laugh. "Oh come on. It's gonna be cool."

She drag me to the car with her. It feels so good to be outside again. I pull the extra short tight dress towards my knees looking up meeting two green eyes. They are roaming my body and the bottom lip is between straight white teeth. Those eyes drop lower and lower on my bottom. Jay hands are together, squeezing slightly bad his foot jerk a little before he groan loudly like a spoil child not getting what he wants. His eyes look away when they look back at me surprise.

He didn't know I was staring at him.

"You good?" His eyes tear away from mine to Cameron beside him.

"Yeah, just hungry and want to get this over with." He says.

He was probably thinking about cutting me dead. Or was he checking me out. His different mask, showing his eyes, nose and lips still did not reveal his identity.

"Okay ladies," Aaron shout. "Let's go." I feel the car stop. "We can get away from here easy."

"Amie he's right there, you're up." I nod feeling confident. The wires make me feel a bit weird but I still carry out the plan.

I look back at the huge car before walking over to the target. He was leaned up against the car, strolling through his phone.

"Nice car." I said and his head snap up.

"Like it?" His eyes look me up and down.

"Yup." I run my hand across the car. "Lamborghini is kinda my thing."

"So you know about cars?"

" a little." I smile at him.
He smile at me and we stare at each other for a while. Such a nice man, about to die.

"Keep on track Amie." I heard Aaron from the wire he hook me up with.

"Gold is quite the colour too." I touch it more.

"Yeah, I was thinking blue but no, I guess people like the gold."

"Oh cool." Smirk at him hearing Emma telling me to bite my lips as I did just so.

"How do you know about cars?"

"A little fan since I was young." He let all his guard down. I look away down the street I came from and immediately he shifted a little and I hear Aaron freaking out.

"Amie, look at him . As much as you're sexy and actual said something about cars, he's still very alert. Look at him, his hands are on his waist, where his gun is." I look at him quickly.

"So what are you talking to me?" He looks around before landing on me.

"I was just walking and I wanted to know you."

"Yeah right. I'm meeting someone."

"Your girlfriend?"

"Maybe." He think a little before blurting it out.

"Oh come on. I wanna have a little fun. That's all, and you're actual very cute." He is. He step away and emma shout I should just walk towards him still, he will give in.

I did everything they said until he's up against his car and my hand play very low on his hip. He's relax and smiling.

"I guess. Gold digging is a good skill." He smirk.

"No. I am not. I'm actually pretty wealthy but I just don't care. I just a little pounding tonight." I bite my lips in the most sexual way I could.

"Are you okay?" He ask. I must really look stupid. I went closer to him.

"You're really sexy." His hand travel everyone on me as I went face to face almost touch lip. "I just want to choke on you tonight." I heard laughing.

"She said she wanna choke on him." I heard Aaron laughing.

I slide my hands down, flowing my hips side to side, getting lower. His eyes look down at me as he grab a chung of my hair.


"That's good so far." He smirk, trying to push me on him. I grab the pants, slowly tugging it down. I heard laugh and Jay said "okay let's do this."

"I wanna to go lower." His eyes never leave mine and I play with his zipper, open it.

He smirk at me.

"That's right, baby girl. Let's hurry."

I put my hands in and grab something I don't even know. It jumps under my touch and I had to look away.

Shit! Hurry up.

"I will make sure you feel so satisfied.


His eyes widen and he look at me time seconds then fell on the ground.

I walk backwards, watching him. I was not acting, this is real.  He fell to the ground and the hole in from the back through the front stare at me.

I actually panic. So accurate. Jay is a monster.I ran off, taking a  different route to the where I came from , getting in the car.

"You were good."

"But you took so long."

"Sorry. I just wanna see how far you would go."they laugh.

"You did good." Aaron smile at me. His eyes scan my body fast.

"He learn from foreplaying with Jay." Cameron shout and I huff.

"Yeah, and that's why she's so good." He winks at me and I look away from the topic.

I don't know what happened in this chapter is bit confusing.

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