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"Oh, my, gosh!" I stare at the mirror. "Oh, my, gosh!"

"No, no." I stare in the mirror at myself. This can't be real. I have class. "Oh no!"

"What are you going on about?"Jay walked in and I glare at him.


"Are you seeing my neck?"

"Yeah and?"

"Jay, I have class. I don't have anything to hid these." I stare at the bright hickey, trailing my jawline, on my neck and down my collar bone. My whole neck on both side and down my collar bone going into my chest, is full with big bright love bite.

"Sorry." He said.

"Oh my gosh."

He came closer and lift my shirt. "Stop. What are you doing?"

"I have seen them already."

I let his hands go and he proceed. "Shit." I turn around and hickey on my breast, between, above and below.

"You monster. I'm going to kill you. Are you even human?"


"Sorry can't remove this."

"Just wear one of my old hoodie. They got tight on me, but I'm sure they can fit you."

"You can't be serious Jay."

"Okay Look." He left the bathroom while I scrap at the hickey. He returns with a small blue hoodie.

"Really micky mouse?"

"It was the only hoodie I had at the time." I look at the pretty micky mouse on the hoodie front.

"I'm so not doing that ever again."

"Oh really."

"I'm serious. If you're going to leave this much. There is like 5 hickey on just my left side of my neck."

"As I said, I'm sorry."

I sigh. "We are not even together and this happening."

"Wait, what?" He looks at me. "What do you mean?"


"Amie! Are we together or not?"

"Wait you thought we were together?"

"I guess so. But now you're saying we are not."

"We can be. I just thought it was just a like thing."

He smile. "To be honest, you're my first girlfriend."


"That's alive."


"All my girlfriends are either dead or just some female I use."

"You ass-"

"Just kidding."


I tried to scrub the hickey off but they just turn into bruise. I got out and got dress in the bathroom. I entered the room and see Jay fixing his shoes.

He smiles at me. "So do we get to do couple things?"

"Like what?" I rub lotion on my body.

"You sitting in my lap, kisses, pet names and sex."


"Yeah. You're like 18 and I'm 19, nothing is wrong."


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