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"Right there." I pull at Jay's head as I watch him between my legs. He looks up at me and I arch my back, tugging at his hair.

"Oh it feel so good." He push my foot further apart. "Yes!" I heavily moan.

"Mommy." I jump up and push Jay's head away. I stare at the door at Jamie. He hugs the little teddy bear close and peep his head through.

"Jamie." I pull the covers over me and Jay wrap a towel around his waist.

"Daddy, why are you hurting mommy?" He asked.

"No. I'm not hurting mommy. I'm helping her."

"With what?"

"A gift."

"For what? Is it mommy's birthday?"


"Then why?"

"Jamie, it's just a gift."

"Can I get one?"

"What, no!"

He pouts. "Come here baby. What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep."


"I don't want to stay in my bed."

"Why? You love that bed."

"But uncle Cameron said, the bed bugs will bite me. I don't want them to bite me."

"Aaw. They won't. They will only bite you when you're being a bad boy, but you are a good boy."


"Yeah. Now will go back to bed?"

"No. I'm still scared." He cling to me.

I look at Jay who sat in the corner, mumbling hard."Jay." He glares at me. "Sorry."

He pulls an underpants on.
"I will be back." He exit the room.

"Daddy is going to get rid of the bed bugs."

"Really. Won't they bite him?"


"Why not?"

"Oh my gosh, they won't Jamie. Now sleep."


I pull Jay's shirt on my body and kiss Jamie. I also kiss Jay. I exit the room and head downstairs. Aaron was dressing Cameron's face with something. "It will get better soon."

"What happen?" I ask.

"Jay is what happen." I snickered.


"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tease Jamie about that."

"I guess."

"I'm done." Aaron said.

Lucas walked in with his daughter Lucy, rocking her. She's a newborn and newest member of the family.

"Morning guys."


"Hi Lucy." Her eyes open and she grabs my fingers.

"She's so cute."

"Thank you." He flash his non existing tall hair. Lucy had a light skin complexion as her dad. She only have Sandra's eyes.


"Daddy." Aariel entered the kitchen, crawling around.

"Hey Ari." Aaron picked her up and kiss her.

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