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Knock! Knock!

"Hey love birds." I open my eyes and my dad stand over me.


"Yes sweetheart."

"Why are you in my room?"

"I came to search for an open condom?"

"Why would you-"

"Don't why would I. I want grand children but gosh, I don't want any one making them in this house. The only making of babies in this house is me screwing your mom."

"Dad just stop."

"Pumpkin?" We look at Jay.

"Who you calling pumpkin mask boy?"

Jay eye's open wide. "Sorry mr. Johnson."

"Call me Dave."

"I mean Dave."

"Dad, please leave."

"You have to get up first."

"Excuse me?"

"Are you in shorts only?"

"That sound so wrong dad."

"Nope. I need to know if he's seeing my little baby naked bottom."

"Dad I'm not one year old, I'm eighteen."

He covered his mouth and fan his eyes. "They grow up so fast."

I sigh. "Mom! Dad is invading my privacy."

A few second mom came and drag him by his ears, leading him out.

Jay sigh and I stare at him. "Sorry about that."

"Yeah, it's cool."

A moment of silent was given before I got up and head to the bathroom. When I came back, he was adjusting his belt into his pants. "So, pumpkin, what do you want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we just going to lie here doing nothing?"

"But I really didn't have anything in plan."

"Let's-" his phone goes off.

"It's Cameron."

I pull my shorts down from my bottom when I heard laughter. I look at Jay then at his phone. "Hey pumpkin!" Cameron shout and Jay growl. "All of a sudden Jay is fixing belt and you adjusting your shorts. Morning sex?"

"We weren't doing anything."

"And my name is Linda."


"Brother, can I colour with this one?" I stare at the phone and Cameron smile at something.

"Who is that?"

He moves the phone lower to two beautiful little girl. They both have bright blue and long straight hair.

I grab the phone from Jay and stare at the girls.

"Who are?"

"Lost of words there Amie. But they are my twin little sister."


They look at the phone and at me. "Hi?" I wave and they smile.

"Hello." One said.

"She's pretty." The other smile and I blush. "Brother, is that your girlfriend?"

"No, not at all." Cameron said. "One of my friend."

"What are their names?" I ask Cameron.

"This little pony tail girl over here is Camilla. The one with two pony tail is Camillia. "

"Wait what?"

"Camillia and Camilla."

"Oh extra 'I' . Creative I guess."


"Cameron! Come help me with the dishes I asked for."

"Hey guys, my mom wants help with some plate she got. I'll talk some other time." Cameron explain.


"Oh morning sex? It's a good way to start a day."

"Go away." Jay hang the phone up.

I laugh when he kiss me. "Sorry about the mask."

"Yeah, it's okay."


It's been a week since Jay has been here and he really settle in with the family. I join them playing James bond.

In terms of fast and running, Jay would always win.

My strong point was accuracy. Once I aim at you, I never miss.

Andrew was the planner guy. Once he set out a plan in his head head, he will trap you with some simple things.

"Oh,I win." I shout, dancing in front the scream.

"Sit down." They both said.

"You can't tell the winner to sit down."

"I just did."

I frown at them both. "Whatever." I stuff, a slice of pizza we ordered in my mom.

"Pumpkin." I look at Jay.

"Told you she was weird." Andrew laugh and he got on his phone and front cam my face.

Oh no. The cheese and the sauce from the pizza was all over my face.

I wipe it off and swallow the pizza. "You are such a pig."

"I said sorry."

"Wait, did you call her pumpkin?" Andrew jump in.

"No." He laugh at us.

"So what?" Jay ask.

"Just wondering."


"Let's get back to the game." I shout.


"I need to take a shower. I feel like a male."

"That's great."


I got up and stroll upstairs, picking out my clothes. I can't feel like this. Sweaty, tired and a game head.

My brother and Jay seems like they are in a relationship. Ever since they pull the game out. Jay don't even remember I'm here.

I take my clothes off and step in shower.

"Havana oh na na.... I got new rules I count them.... And I, will always love you.... oh I've been shaking,a love it when you go crazy, you take all ...." I step out the shower and dry my body.

I rub lotion all over my skin and pull up a red panty with black as the outline. I cover my boobs with a red bra and continue on my song.

"Oh girl they just wanna fun.... it's raining men hallelujah, it's raining men.... hit me baby one more time."

"Sure." I heard and turn around. A hand connect to my jaw and I fall flat on my face. I look up and this man in full black stood over me.

"Who are you? What are you doing in here?"

"Don't worry about that Amie Johnson." He attack me with a cloth, covering my mouth and nose.

"No, stop!"

"Shhh," my eyes roll back, falling into a deep sleep. "Just sleep sweetheart. It will be over in no time."

My eyes started to close. Where is Jay? Or Andrew? What is this?

Comment what you think is going on or is going to happen.

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