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My eyes flickered open and I stare at the ceiling. The hospital? I look around. It is.

Where is everyone? What happened? My hand brush against something and I look down.

"Jay?" I stare at him. My fingers disappearing once again in his hair.


A ringtone goes off and Jay jump up. With squinting eyes, he search for the phone finding it in his pocket.

"Hello." He turns to me and his eyes widen. "Okay, I will. And Amie is awake."

"Yeah bye."

He hang the phone up. "It's your mother. You're awake."

"What happened?"

"We are going to find out." He switch the hospital television on.

"And we go back to George Miller, on the biggest mystery solve." The news reporter said when screen was switch.

"Indeed, Anna. People are now calling it the great find. Those four saved so much life. And the funny thing is, they had great intelligent people behind the scene, working with them. The persons behind this goes by the name of  Leroy Campbell. He started all of this but he was shot in the stomach at a restaurant and died. His daughter, Sophia Campbell took over. Having Emma Hernandez , which was these hero's friend, as her partner in crime. They were both pronounced dead in which they killed by two others, which is now in the hospital. Sophia died from a stab wound to the side of her head. Her friend was discovered with a single bullet to the head. But before we have a talk with these heros, we will go to the clip when we discover this incident."

They were showing a bird eye view of when Lucas was giving his speech and everyone coming out.

Some were interview about the trouble they went through and how they were beaten. How they were fed, pass waste and sexually abuse. Some had scars to show.

They talked about the first owner which was the man Emma killed and how his daughter, Mia, was worst. They showed the family members and how they reunite.

Crying of some who wished their missing children was at that place. But unfortunately, not every missing person was there.

"It was said that this place was crawling with missing persons. Over a thousand missing person were recorded. Due to the professional search of the police and Lucas lawley pick locking skill, the numbers were pushed up to one thousand five hundred. It was also discovered, there were other parts of the building that persons were kept. Help of police dog, also discovered decrease bodies under the warehouse. As we speak, family members are trying to see if they can identify their relatives."

I turn to Jay and he smiled at me, placing a kiss on my lips.

"Because of the search, it was also discovered that the previous owner was the leader of many gangs. Over 50 gang groups. some that has been terrorizing this country. With the help of one hero, Aaron Miller, he worked with the police and found their hideouts. Over five hundred gang member was arrested this morning and the search is still on. We will now like to turn over to the interview."

A woman was smiling at the camera. "My lord, this is the best thing that has ever happened. We have the heros right here." We saw Aaron, Lucas and Cameron sitting on a couch.

They were dressed properly and all smiling. "So we are here with three of the heros. Aaron, Lucas and Cameron."

"Hello." They wave at Cameron.

"So how did this all started?" The woman ask.

"Well it started when my friend called me." Cameron said. "He told about his girlfriend being missing, so I called Aaron over here. He quickly contacted Lucas. The plan was to get finger print and track them down."

"Why not come to the police?"

"No offense, but police would broadcast it. We don't want that. So we got finger prints and with machine Aaron built, we track them down. We arrived at the warehouse, where a big shoot out happen. We were lucky enough to have skills."

"And where did these skill comes from?"

"Let's just say we were born with it. But Lucas and I got capture. Our friend Jay found his girlfriend and they killed Emma and Sophia. When they found us and we were about to escape, Lucas remembered hearing other voices."

"And that's how we started to find others." Lucas said.

"Wow, such an incredible story. So Aaron found Jay's girlfriend."

"Yes ma'am I did."

"You built that machine."


"So smart of you."

Jay's phone began to ring and he answer. "Wait what, tell them to block out my face."

He hangs up. "The news will call us."

"Oh my gosh. I will be on tv?"

The phone started ringing and Jay kisses me. "Hello?"

"Hi guys. How are you?"

"We are fine." I look up and jay's face was blur out.

"These are the two couple that killed Emma and Sophia. Jay asked for his face to blur out for personal reasons. So guys, how did feel to kill those people?"

"Well it was kill or be killed. I never wanted to kill anyone, but they had no mercy on us. I had to."

"And Amie?"

"It was hard. Especially knowing that Emma was our friend. She chose the wrong path. But it was either her or me."

"Wonderful. Guys, Amie was injured during this incident because was shot by Emma. But she's in the hospital, in under going treatment. Thank you."

The call hang up. "We did it Jay." I said.

"Yes we did."

This was so hard for me to write. Because people do go missing everyday. I just really wish, those people that are missing was somewhere like. Just being held at one place. And someone one day will find them.

Wrong boarders, I'm sorry if you have someone close to you or that you know, missing.

People are so cruel something. And for those whose loved ones were missing and killed. I really hope you get through this.

And if anyone of you have been kidnap before, consider yourself a lucky person. That God have a job for you to fulfill.

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