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He tear the mask so it can be one long piece and tie it tight around the wound.

"Jay." He looks up at me and I stare at him. My eyes begin to water and he rub a thumb under my eye.

"Don't cry pumpkin. It's okay."

I stare at him. He is so different. Everything. I put my hand out, touching his face. I did. I could feel it.

His skin is so soft. He stares at me with green eyes that I would never forget seeing the first time. I remember him saying that's his mom's eyes.

There were no scars on his face. His eyes were so beautiful. His nose, you wanted to just touch. And his lips. The lips that have been kissing me for some time now. They are so pink and big.

My head travel up the side of his face, spotting ear rings. My fingers got lost in his hair. His hair was tall, stopping at his lips. Such dark, gold, brownish colour. A rich honey.

Tears take over my eyes and he smiles. "It's okay Amie. Stop crying. Shouldn't I show it to you?"

"Yes, but why would hide your face? You're so beautiful."

"That's also why too. When people see me, they don't fear me because I'm 'cute' and 'adorable'. It's just annoying."

I smile at him. "Thank you for showing it to me."

"I will not be hiding it anymore."

"Yeah." He move forward and kiss me. "Finally without the mask, or me closing my eyes until you put back mask on."

He laugh, "I guess."

"Guess you grew out of your shell." A hand was placed on Jay's head.

We look up at Cameron and lucas. "I guess so."

"About time I see that pretty little adorable face again." Cameron tease.

"Wow, you are adorable." Lucas said. "I was expecting scar and frown."

"Well you got this little Angel." Cameron pinch Jay's cheek and shake it.

"Go away." He said.

"Ow!" I shout a little. My leg is starting to hurt even more.

" How did you even get shot?"

"Its such a long story."

"Tell me something."

"Let's just say Mia and Emma weren't dead. And they were behind this. Mia did it for revenge of her father and Emma was jealous of Amie."


"Yes, jealous."

He sigh, "and you know the funniest thing to is? If you think about it, I can remember clearly that Emma was the one that shot her dad. We just killed all the men."


We laugh a little. "This is just beyond crazy."

"I know right."

"Anyways, let's get you guys out of here." Lucas said.

Jay help me as we went back to the room seeing Mia, Sasco and Emma on the floor.

Cameron look down at Mia. "This thing did a lot of damage to us."

"You liked her though." Lucas smirk and Cameron spit at him but miss.

I look down Emma. "Let's go." I told Jay as the others walk scared out.

"Wait!" A hand grab my ankle and I yell in pain. I look down seeing Emma staring up at me.

"Amie please. I'm sorry. Forgive me."


"Take me with you. Take me back into the group. Jay, Lucas and Cameron. Help me."

I look at them all and they look away. "No. You wicked and cruel whore. How dare you put these boys through something like this. Shoot Aaron, your own 'brother'. You wanted to kill Jay and most of all me. Over being jealous. You know who Mia was and still tag along. You knew she was brutal and hide all these people but you still went along with her. Now your plan fail so you want to come back? I don't think so. Look at these people. Their freedom was taken away and you wanted to join something like this."

I use my force to pull away my ankle. "You are wicked. Especially to Mia. You killed her father and we suffer. Jay still took the blame for you. Almost lose his life. Then you want to talk about coming back? I want you dead so you don't hurt a soul anymore."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry? that's all you have to say?"

"I truly am. I'm really, incredible sorry for what I did."

I laugh, pulling Jay's gun from his waist. I press it to her head. "And I'm really, incredible sorry, for what I'm about to do."


I let the bullet enter her head and her body dies. The white of her eyes withered away.

Some of the children rescue cry out from the scene. But I was satisfy.

But it is sad. She was rape, used and judge. But she decided the rest of her life.

"Damn, that's my pumpkin." Jay smile at me.

"Sorry Emma." I turn to Cameron with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Cam."

"It's fine." He kneel and kisses her lips. The only place that is not corrupted by blood yet. "She deserved it." He got up and wipe his eyes. "I did loved you."

"Let's go." Lucas said.

He opened the door and thousands of cop car was there. "Wait here guys." Lucas told the survivors.

We walked out with our hands in the air. "Don't move!" The police men shouted and we stop. But Lucas kept going until he was close enough.

"Hands where I can see them." Lucas did as he was told.

"My name if Lucas lawley. I am 18 years old and I'm currently unemployed. I came to this warehouse today because I was helping my best friend, to save his girlfriend, who was kidnap. While here my friend right there, Cameron and myself was taken to a room. With skills and practise, Jay killed as many of them as possible. Saving his girlfriend. They both killed the two that was behind all this. Which is two female. One was the daughter of a man that died and the other was our friend. But she chose the wrong path for her life. When Cameron and I escape the jail they kept us in. We discovered the best thing in history. We discovered a lot biggest history missing list."

Lucas kept his hands in the air. This is the best I've ever heard Lucas. He's something that makes sense for once. "Sherece Bowers!" He called out and she exit the warehouse with two young ones. Many gasp were heard.

"Yes I am indeed sherece Bowers and I was kept here with my two little girls. These four people saved us."

"Not only her but Sandra brook and jodian Taylor." They too exit the building joining Lucas and sherece.

"I was taken at 10 years old." Sandra said.

"And I was taken from my crib in 1993. I'm jodian Taylor."

"Oh my gosh. I was on her case." One police officer back away dropping his gun.

"They found us and help us escape."

"And as I said. Not only these people but everyone." The warehouse door open and many started to exit it. Police dropped their guns and helicopter and news people were on the scene. People started to arrive at the scene as well.

Police started helping everyone while they exit the warehouse. Tears form at my eyes. "I can't believe this. There are so many."

Jay look at me but his face became blurry. "Pumpkin are you okay? Amie!" The place became dark.

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