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"Hey, I'm sorry pumpkin." Jay stare at me.

"It's cool. I forgave them. I just want them to feel sorry."

"Did you forgive me?"

"No. You put hickey on my body. Too many."

"I said I was sorry."


"So are you going to go out with us tomorrow. Mia suggest we eat at that place we killed that first people with you."

"Oh I hate it there. Good food but I hate it."

"She said she wanted to get revenge on some guy there that killed her father."

"Her father?"

"Yeah. He was a business man and he died three years ago. She heard that they will be going there tonight to celebrate some gang stuff and she wants to ambush and get revenge."


"Tomorrow she wants to meet with us all. She have a plan."

"Oh really. So are guys going to help her?"

"Cameron suggest we do. He likes her and all. Plus she started crying when she talk about her father. Cameron want to see the man that kill her father suffer."

"Oh. That's great and all, but from that night. I can't find my gun. I'm a hundred percent sure I put it in my purse."

"Maybe you just misplace it."

"Maybe I did." I frown.

"It will be okay."

I yarn and cover my mouth. "Tired?"

"Mh mhm."

He got up but I pull him back. "Sleep with me tonight."

"No problem." He started to remove his pants.

"Not like that. Stay on my bed tonight."

"Oh." He lie next to and I rest my head on his chest.

"Oh I forgot." He leans up.

"Wha-" he kisses me.

"Night pumpkin."

I blush and got rigid. "N..Night Jay."


"I mean babe."

"That's right."


"So then we corner him here and empty our bullet in his head." Mia smirk.

"Okay." We stare at her.

"What if he calls back up and get help." Emma ask.

"I'm making it your duty em, to kill him."

"Why Emma?"

"Because I think she can get the job done."

"What about Jay?"

"Remember he will be busy taking out the guys around us. Plus Amie lost her gun."

"I guess so."

"Then the plan is all clear?"

"Yes." We all said.


"I'm sorry." Cameron apologize.

"It's cool."

Today we are going out and I just want to tag along with them. I just forget about it and want to enjoy myself. I look up and Emma glare at me.


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