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"Look at them. So cute." I woke up to hear a picture snap. I open my eyes and Jay was beside me. A few people were around me and my eyes widen.

"Hey baby." Mom smile at me. "How are you?"



"What are you doing here?"

"My little sweety is in the hospital. Of course I should be here."

Jay woke up when he place a hand on my stomach, pulling me closer.

"Eh em!" He opened his eyes to see my father glaring down at him. He removed his hand and jump up.


"Yes, mask boy."

"Oh dave. Don't scar the little baby. He's so adorable without the mask." Mom smiled childishly to Jay.

Jay scratch his head.

"Hey guys?" I turn to see Lucas, Cameron, Audrey, Andrew, Britney, Lucas and Sandra.

"What are these people doing here?"I ask.

"So we aren't your friends?"

"Yeah, but Britney and Sandra."

"Remember, you wanted to meet my girlfriend." Audrey said.

"Oh yeah. Hi."



"Hi." She smile. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your family?"

"She was but she's with her boyfriend." Lucas smile.



"Lucas likes her." Cameron rolled his eyes.

"We are the same age so why not?"


"Anyways, how are you feeling?" Andrew sit on the bed.

"Why do you care?"

"I'm your brother idiot."

"Yeah right, now why do you care?"

"Okay, mom promise me a new phone."

"Exactly."I laugh.

"But for real, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"I hope you are."

"No really. I think I am."

"Here." Mom hands me a coffee then grab dad by the ears. He was backing Jay in a corner and growling at him.

"How does it feel?" Britney ask.

"How what feel?"

"To kill someone and get shot?"

"It was hard to shoot her because she was my friend. But it had to be done. And getting shot. Hurts like hell. At first it was numb but then you realize, you just got shot."

"That's crazy."

"I know."

"But I guess it's cool now "


"We are just happy you are awake."


Sorry this chapter is so short but what do y'all think about the story?

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