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"Hey Jay?" I wave and he looks at me but grab his tray and walk away.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask.

"I don't know. Since that park incident,he's just like that."

"He's probably heading off to his room." Emma rolled her eyes. "He is always a hand full."

"I'll talk to him."


I enter the room and Jay shouted, "get out, I'm not wearing my mask." I turn away as if he was naked.

"I'm sorry I just needed to talk to you."

"About what?" I gentle turn to see him mask up , sitting on the bed.

"Just why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"Okay would stop that?"

"Stop what?"

I sigh and sit on my bed. "You really are a handful."

"And I'm really going to kill Emma for saying that."

"How did you know?"

"I've known her for a long time, I know what she will say about me."

"Anyways, answer the question. After I shot those guys, why did your mood change?"

"So you expect me to be happy after you shot someone."

"Yeah. You're Jay. You're suppose to be happy."

"Well you did well."


"Sigh, you made a lot of mistake. First of a all, you waited too long to do something. Some guy will not stop and talk like that one. Some will capture and just kill. So you need to react faster. Second, you let them know what's precious to you. If you ever let the enemy knows that something is precious to you, they use it again you."

"But they are dead."

"How do you know?"

"I shot them."

He shake his head got more comfortable on the bed. "We did not stay to find out if they were rescued, dead or locked up. Not all the time you shoot someone and they die."

I could see him smile. He was in his originally mask but his face has little lift.

"Oh I wasn't thinking about that."

"Look at this?" He sit up on the side of the bed. I walk over to him putting one knee on the bed to lean over to see. When he drag the hoodie down, revealing only a bit of his neck and a deep scar.

"What is this?"

"I got shot twice in the shoulder. I was standing up for my dad and they shot me. It was so painful. Not once, but twice. Even though I hated that, I admire the man who shot me. I don't like the fact he shot me, but his accuracy was so on point. He shot me in the shoulder and he did again in the same wound. Two bullet was launch in my shoulder and he was 8 feet away. He made me in love with accuracy."

I reach out to touch it but he shifted back, hitting my knee. I came falling down, and I groan when my head hit his chin. "Why would you do that?" I hold my head and look at him. But his eyes only widen from the fact we are couple inches away from each other face.

"I-Im sorry." He said and his eyes move to my lips. He lean up a bit and I stay rigid. Is he going to try to kiss me again? Or is someone behind me to shoot and he's playing along.

No! No one is in the room, so he must. I close my eyes and wait for the lip contact.

"Why do you keep on doing that?"

My eyes shoot open.
"do what?"

"You thought I was going to kiss you."

"No something was in my eyes so I close them."

"Yeah right." I got off him and he stood in front of me.

"You did the same thing at the park and you actually thought we were going to kiss."

I look down. "Why don't you move away instead of waiting for it?"

"I don't know I just thought you were going to."

"Why would I kiss you?"

"Uhm, nothing I guess."

"Why would you want to kiss me?"

"I just thought you were going to, that's all."

I don't know or think I like Jay. But he's actually really nice once you know him. Since that balcony thing, it's just weird after. He gave me eyes that crawl over my body and other signs, but I don't have a clue they were actually real. I try not to like the murderer, but it was getting harder. Plus sharing a room . I don't know when all this feeling start.

"You're suppose to back away."

"Why would I back away if I want you to kiss me?" I gasp, hearing what I just said.

"You want me to kiss you?"

"Uhm no, I mean-"

His face fly straight to mine and I could feel his lips. He was not wearing his other mask that reveal his eyes, nose and lips. Only when he goes out.

So I could only feel the mask on my lips. I frown against the mask that I could not feel directly but he move his lips to assure me it was his lips.


And we pull apart. Cameron walk straight in and eye us both.

"Don't you ever knock?" Jay sit back on his bed. He was so normal.

"I did? But why were you two so close?"

"And why are you in my room?"

"Amie was gone for a while so I thought you killed her."


"So you alright ami-"

"I'm fine." I answer, cutting him off.

He smirk and walk closer to me, where his breath was fanning my neck. "Oh, someone's blushing hard." And my cheek nearly pop hard.

"What are you doing?" Emma walked in. "Amie, you're having all the man and not leaving at least a little for me."

"You could come to the this man." Lucas walk in afterwards. "I'll show you to be a good girl."

"Rrrrrr!" Emma flirt and roll her tongue at him.

"Shut up." Aaron walk in with Audrey.

Why at a time like this? Everyone is here.

"Oh amie are you okay?" Audrey ask. "You're red."

Then everyone smirk and look at Jay.

"What?" He ask and everyone laugh.

"Oh nothing."

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