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"Guys calm down. None of us here are betraying anyone again." I said.

"How are you so sure? Unless you're helping them." I glare at Jay

"How can you say that?"

"You didn't shoot her."

"I couldn't. Emma was my friend and I know all of you couldn't shoot her if it was you."

"That's true Jay." Lucas frown. "I wouldn't."

Jay sigh.

"We've been wasting our time, staying here because of her."

"What do you mean?"

"We can leave once you are 18. Everyone here is either 18 or 19. We could all leave but we decided to stay. So we can get out with emma and all together."

"I didn't know."

"It's on your paper you got when came here. You can leave at 18 or stay. But they don't want people to take advantage of this. You can only stay until 25, you have to leave. Base on record, they will let you run free. If you were trouble, they will keep you under police watch."

"We could leave here."


"But what about Emma?"

"Amie unless you're blind to see that Emma betrayed us, something is wrong." I sigh. "Pumpkin it doesn't matter. They will be dead soon."

"Pumpkin?" Cameron snickered. "Awww."

"Just shut up already." Jay shouts at him.

"What will you do, beat me for your pumpkin?" He laughs.

"Cameron, do you remember the last time you didn't mind your own business, and make about about it? Did that end well?" Cameron eyes widen in shock at his words. "Good, so shut up about it." He turns to me. "As I was saying, they will be dead. The tracker. If they found out some new way to remove it, that's amazing. But even if they remove that tracker, the-"

"The pill."

"- pill. Yes. That thing is going blast them up. So we have nothing to worry about."

"Yeah." I frown.

"I don't want Emma to die. But she knows how this works. She can't just betray us like."

"Wait, save Emma. Don't shoot her!" Aaron jump up.


"Where's Emma?"

"She's still out there."

"No, she will die."

"Most likely."

He clench his stomach, relaxing once more. "I can't believe she shot me."

"She completely betrayed us."


"What are we going to do then."

"Just spend the rest of the week here. Shutting down the secret room. Packing and saying goodbye."

"But what about us when we get out?"

"I need to visit my family." Lucas said.

"Me too." Lucas join with him.

"So are we going to split up?" I ask.

"Just for a while. We will get back, catch up, maybe buy a house and we all live there." Lucas smile innocent.


We turn to look at Aaron. "It hurts so bad."

"It I'll go away soon." Cameron make sure he knows.

"Let's just forget Emma for the time. Focus on our last days to pack or sometime."


"Y'all talk so simple as if we weren't together for 6 years. Feel some form of sadness. You guys just let her leave. Especially you Cameron."

"Me? I gave her, her options. Why force her to come back when she obviously wants to go. What do you think is going to happen if bring her back? So don't blame anything on me."

"Ever since you broke her heart. The little Emma a grew up with became different."

"What do mean grew up with?"

"Their parents are best friend so they just grew together. Everywhere they went they would see each other until they became close. Up to this day."

"Don't tell my life story like you know it." Aaron complain.

"As I said, let's forget about Emma for a while and just enjoy our last week."

We stare at each other. "Yeah."

They could leave? That's wonderful. What do you guys think about the Emma betrayal thing.

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