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"Oh my gosh! Sexy." Some guy call out. Shit, I forgot I was in this half blouse and this short shorts.

"Let me put it on you tonight." I walk faster.

"I want you to taste and feel it hard in your mouth. Also how my white taste, I hope you like it cream."

Jay turned to the guy and slam his hand on the table. "You want to taste how my gun taste, it's quite hard too, and it's black and very tasty, hope you like it bullet."

"Chill out Jay, I was tryna holler at her."

"Don't!" He back away and walk off, grabbing my hand. When we reach the normal eating table everyone stare. What was that?

"What in the world are you wearing?" Emma ask.

"Where have you been?" Cameron turn to us.

"Holding hands, I see." Jay pull away quickly as Aaron smirk.

"You were doing the nasty?" Lucas laugh.

"What is this, foreplay? Bad student banged on the desk by teacher for being disrespectful." Audrey and everyone laugh.

"No you idiot, we just got up early to train in class."

"Train your dick."

"No." He sigh.

"My man." Lucas hype Jay up and they were cheering.

"Girl," Emma grab my attention. "I didn't know you were down like that."

"We didn't do anything."

"Liar, stop by my room and I can teach you on the practise dildo we -"

"No Emma stop. We didn't have sex. We just train."I sigh, grabbing her plate. "Hey." She said.

"I'm hungry." I started eating her pancakes and sausage.

You would say we are friends now.

Get your asses to class. Just go or get caught.

"Guess that's it. Back to real class." Jay said to me.

"Or round 2." Cameron laugh.

"Real funny." I heard him say.


"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Out." Emma said.


"Yeah, today is the only day we get to go out of this hell."

"Really. But if they let us out, why come back?"

"Before we leave they will put something on us. Three things to be specific. When it's time to come back, you will be shock. If you keep getting shock and you don't return, your body will chip out and the thing will literally drag you here, if there is resistant, you will be blown to pieces. The thing is, you can't take them off. One guy found out how to do it, but the school raise hell on his life and family. Some even resist everything and go for a suicide blow up."

"But won't the blow up attack everyone you're around?"

"Nope. It's something inside you. You dangerous to burn up everything in body, just melt them, but it don't leave the body. Doctors don't know how and what's going on because all of their insides are melt and gone."

"This School is serious."

"For real."

"But get ready, the guys are waiting." She said. "Where this." She throw me her heals.

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