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"You're going to tell me right now." He pulls the sheet off me and I felt cold.

"There's nothing to tell."

"Oh please."

"Why do you care anyways. Don't you hate me or something? So why are you trying to act nice to me?"

"Listen to me. I don't know what's going on and why you're so angry. I know I'm not being myself either because I use to be angry and all-"

"Just stop with the explanation."

"They force me to apologize to your sorry ass for some reason, and I'm here trying to be nice. But you're acting all stubborn and as if I have to give two crap about you. Now I don't have all day, tell me what's wrong so I can go about my business."

"Oh really. So where do you want me to start?" I glare at him. "Let's talk about how you always look me with such eyes. No, let's talk about how the park incident. Nope, you did apologize for that. But what about the time we kiss and you just ignore me and say nothing else. And you know what's funny too, let's talk about the fact that you were kissing mia when I was gone."

"How did you know that?"

"Don't worry about that."

"It's not what you think Amie."

"It's every thing that I think."

"Listen," he got up and lock the door. "I just don't know okay."

"What do you mean?"

"Explain to me how I don't really have friends."

"You're being overdramatic."

"I'm not. You guys are the only people I know that I have ever had a conversation with without freezing up. I think of you guys as the only world of friend. And for you to remind me every second that I'm just here as their peer and just your roommate, it's not right."

"Amie calm down. You're being very overdra-"

"-Matic. I can if I want to. Because seeing the first ever boy I like to just be all over the new girl is very hard for me."

"Boy you like?"

"And then you always-"

I was cut off when I felt his mask on my lips.

"I can't take it to see the girl I like being so overdramatic."

Blush took over my cheek and I freeze. "Girl you like?"

"Yeah." I look down.

"You're just saying that to get to me. Get off!" I push him. "You always do. Kiss me or something, then act as if I'm disgusting or it was a mistake."

"So you blame me for being shy around you."

"You're not shy."

"Amie, I do have feelings too. I might be a cold blooded murderer but I still care and like things."

"It just don't make any sense."

He sighs, "Amie I've always like you. But I can't let you know that. Since the day you came, I knew something about you and I have never seen the others trusted someone so fast. Even though I like you, I got to be safe and that's why I acted the way I did. It's not normal for me to show that side of me at all."

"Then why were you kissing mia?"

"It's all a misunderstanding."


"After you left ...

Mia asked me to help her out with the gun. But I really don't trust. How could Amie leave me with her and what's with that look of hers.

"So I hold it like this?"

"Shoot that target."

"But class is over. I don't want to make noise."

"It's sound proof here."

"Oh okay. Just shoot the target?"


"Okay." She aim the gun completely wrong.

"Just shoot. As long as you don't murder yourself."


The gun goes off and she drop it, running towards me.

"Are you crazy!" It goes off a couple of times as well. When it stop, she was directly in front of me, slightly looking up.



"Get off!" I push her by her waist, when she slide on the bag we keep our gun in. She landed face way , touching my lips. As much as I don't like this girl, she is clinging to me and if she falls, she's taking me down with her. I help her up and she came up too face, touching my mask again.

"Just stop and get off!" I shoved her. When I look up the exit door was closing again. That's odd. I look down at mia.

"I'm sorry,I didn't-"

"Whatever. Are you trying to make me get killed by Cameron? And whatever you do, as of today, don't you dare go near my mask."

"I'm sorry. Please don't tell Cameron. I really do like him and I can't mess this up."

"Just pack and go for dinner."

"-and then we came up after that."

"So she kiss you?"


I fold my arm. "I still don't like this. Mia kissing you, you taking about feelings all of a sudden."

"Amie remember, I'm still human, you know that."


"So of course, I do like you."

This is it right. Everything is happening too fast. Jay likes me?

"How am I suppose to like you when I can't see your face?"

He stayed still. "Next reason for not telling you. You wanting to see my face."

"So what do we do right now?"

"What do you mean?"

"never mind."I look away.

"You want to be my girlfriend?"

"I didn't say that."

"Fine." He looks around again kissing me.

"I guess I'll get go on with mia." He smirk and I gasp.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh yes I will."

He walks away from me. "Whatever."

Sorry for just ending this like that but hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment.

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