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I open the letter once everyone is gone and I could identify my mom's hand writing. I really do miss them, I'm caught up in guns and crime.

To Amie,
    You know I love you darling and I'm sorry to place you in a bordering school. We just want you to make fun and break out of that antisocial behaviour. I hope you're enjoying yourself. trust me, We will be back for you once we thing, you've learn something. We got a little German Shepard and we also paint the room. Your daddy also miss you very much and wish you could be here with us. I send some to you in the envelop and I hope that is enough for you to buy something there.
     Make sure you're sleeping well and take medicine if must. We will continue to send a letter every month so you don't feel as if we hate or forget about you. I hope the work is fine too and you're able to them with ease. Get enough food also. That's about it. We wish you all the best and I love you so much Amie.

yours truly,

So, she still doesn't know she sent me to a school for delinquent. I smile. She's really something else. I look in the envelop and some stock of money was elastic up and place in it. A picture of them hugging me in a little necklace was also there.

Awww this was so kind of them. "Amie, breakfast."

Aaron head peep through and I place everything under the sheet and follow behind him.


"I want sex." Cameron exclaim. "We didn't get to go out because security system and the bracelet and tracker was not worker."

"You're always horny."

"I'm a growing boy." He defends.

"That is going to get aids." Jay tease him.

"Aids!" They all trouble him and he just curse. I laugh at how silly they are being.

"Crap!" Audrey duck her head. "That's the girl." I turn around and see the girl we help find her room yesterday, wondering, scared with her tray.

"I don't trust her." Aaron said. "The result came back and indeed there was a mirco-metal on Audrey. But it was not a tracking device or anything, it was just there."

She turn and saw me when she smile and started making her way over here.


"Hi." She sits beside Jay. Oh no! "Remember me?"

"Y..yeah." I stuttered.

"I thought I would not find a friend."

"Move." Jay said.

"Jay no!" Cameron shouted and smirk. "Let her stay."

"It's okay if you guys want me to leave."

"No, it's fine."

"So?" She Said. "I'm mia, and you guys are?"

"Cameron." He smile. Looking her up and down. He's just horny.


"Oh you, from yesterday." She smile at Audrey. "Audrey was your name. I heard her said it."

"Oh really."

"Sorry." I mumble.

"And who is this? Why are you in a hoodie? Plus hiding your face?"

"I'm Stephan. None of your business. And none of your business."

Stephan? He lied about it.

"You can't fool me." She slightly giggle. "You're Jay."

"How the hell did you know that?"

"Cameron just said."

He glare at Cameron. "I see your hearing and memory is sharp."

"Really?" She blush at him. "Thank you."

"So, what are you in here for?" Amie ask,breaking the two flirting.

"I don't know. They just sent me here. I guess my mom thought it was a boarding school but it's not. If I have to take a class, oh, do they teach gun up here?"


"I'm going into that. Pew! Pew! Everybody gonna die." We all stare at her. "I don't mean everybody, I was just imitating that Kevin Hart thing."

"Just shut up." Audrey throw a bacon in her mouth.

"Sorry." She frown.

"I like you." Cameron smirk and she choke on the orange juice.

"Uhm, thank you."

Cameron laugh. "Oh I definitely like you. You're the only person I know sound so sexy when they're choking."

She blushes and Aaron slap him in the back of his head. "Stop being a perv Cam."

"Ouch, damn it!"

Sup wrong boarders? I'm currently writing this story more often now.

Anyways have a good day.

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