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I stared at the ceiling as thought flood my mind. How did I reach here? Everyone around me is a maniac and I'm sure I'll be the target soon. I look like twig compare to these monsters. I blame mother because I'm perfectly fine.

How did I reach here? How?

From the top

It all started when I thought I was going to have a good morning, as usual, but no, it's the start of school soon and I have to face everyone.

I left my bed untidy and snail walk down the stairs. I spot my mother in the kitchen, where I sit around the island, resting my head.


"Morning sweety, you're up early." I heard. I look up at her pouring dad's morning coffee.

"Yeah, not like I wanted it to happen."

"Well for the first time you're up early." She said, "want coffee?"

"Yeah, I really do need it."

She rinsed the cup and pour the rest of the coffee in it. "I am so looking forward for today."

"Yeah, why is that?"

"Because your father and I will be getting awarded for the best couple workers, and your brother is finally letting me meet his girlfriend."

Girlfriend? You mean sherece? Tavia? brittania? Janelle? The next brittania? subrina? The other brittania Rachel? Or the other other brittania? Because he dated about 15 different girls in 3 days.

"Everything is just great today." She said and turn around. "What is that?"

"What is what?" I looked at her.

"Your hair. I thought it was a hairy monster."

"I'm sorry, I haven't combed my bed hair out yet."

"Please do." She place the coffee down.

"Honey, I can't find- Uhm Amie, honey," my dad approach me carefully, "what is on your head? I mean we can talk if you want to-"

"It's just my bed hair dad."

"Well missy, you are grounded."

I raise an eyebrow, "what, why?"

"Because you've been sneaking a gorilla in my house, without my permission and sleeping with it."

"Dad," I cover my face. He laughs and I glare at him. "Haha real funny."

"I'm sorry, good morning." He grab his coffee and kiss mom.

"Ew, not around my coffee." I cover my coffee.

"What this?" He kissed her again.


"Or this?" he licks her neck with a cocky smirk at the end.

"Okay, I'm going to put myself up for adoption." I roll my eyes. My parents are fun parents. Only thing, they are 'sexy' parents. Even though my dad is rocking his 40's, he is still 'sexy' as ever with big arms, full head of hair and a cocky bad boy smirk.

Mom is the same. She gorgeous after all these years and two children. They are like those popular too cute couples in high school.

"Well I need to start my day." Dad announced.

"After." Mom said, eyeing me.


"Dave, what did we talk about last night?" Dad seem lost, "about our daughter?"

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