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"No we are not." I said standing up.

"Yes, we are." Cameron said. "I could kill anyone with the wrong drugs."

"I can also hack into your computer, change some stuff and get you killed." Aaron said.

"This is real, oh my gosh.".I put my hand on my head. "I need to get out of here. This place is not for me."

"Oh really?" Audrey smirk.

"Yes really. I am a sweet innocent girl. There must have been a misunderstanding. I don't belong here. I'm not a murderer, thief, prostitute or a drugs lord. I'm just a little antisocial. Don't you see, this is just not for me. I need to go home right now."

"Amie, calm your tits." Cameron put his hands in front him. "Even if you could, you don't get to leave. Do you think I just want to stay here either. You can't get out."

"Yes, I can. It's getting late but tomorrow I am going to get out."

"That's if you make it through the night." Emma smirk.

"Why...why is that?"

"Well guess who's your roommate." They all got up.


"See you later."They all started exiting the room. "Bye Amie," I heard a laugh. "And bye Jay."

I turn to look at the creep, just sitting there. This is not good.

"What?" His voice startled me.

"Uhm." I look away, sitting on my bed. "So uhm Jay-"

"Shut up." He got up. "Take that bed." He pointed to other bed.

"Uhm, excuse me?"

"Would you like me to repeat?" I heard the gun crank itself.

"No no, I'm sorry." I got up. I left my home to be boss around my some murderer. My eyes glance at him and he hiss.

"Well,I'll be in the shower if you want me." I Said. I just got to shower this stress off, but I know This idea is risky. I'm about to shower with a cold blooded murderer in the other room.

We're stupid in scary movies, why not in books as well.

I got in and make sure to lock the door. My clothes slip off my body too as they kiss the floor hard. I head over into the tube as cool water hits my body.

Yes, this is what I need. I close my eyes and let the water flow on me. "You just want attention." I sing through the shower along with shape of you.

I suddenly feel cold and feel so uncomfortable. I feel like I'm being watched. I try to control my heavy breathing before staring at the curtain. I tighten my grip around it and swing it open, just enough so I can spot the asshole that's doing this.

A shadow then creep away and my pants drop to the floor. What the... Jay? Could he be the one that is spying on me and going through my clothes, or oh my gosh, I wonder if Lucas is seeing me naked right now.

I turn the pipe off and dash for my towel. I glued the towel around my body and stare at everything in the bathroom. Quickly grab up everything, but no, I left my clothes I was going to put on.

I have to go get them. "Shit." I said. I stood at the door and breathe. Okay, just grab your bag without a word and back.

Without thinking I open the door and my feet lead me to the room. How can a girl even even share room with a boy. I enter the room and Jay was just sitting there, facing the bathroom door. I look away and grab a whole clothes from the dresser and run back to the bathroom.

I slam the door and slide my back against it. I quickly scan the clothes to see if I find something in it to wear. Uh ah! This pink long dress. I cover myself and grab back everything up.

Calm. It's just a serial killer in the room and you're going to sleep with, even though you still don't know his stupid face.

I enter the room and he's still in that position. I put back everything and cover myself under the sheet. Okay, I can make it through the night.

I close my eyes but it's so uncomfortable. He's still staring at me. Ugh. I got up and stare at him.

"Uhm, may you please-"

"No." I heard.

"Well," I look down. "Why are staring at me?"

"Because I don't trust you."

"Trust me?"

"Of course. You know just who we are so you're pretending to be so innocent when truly you can't wait for me to fall asleep and attack."

"Me? No I don't think so. I am not even capable to step on an ants. I can't kill anyone."

"Well I can if you don't shut up."

"Sorry, gosh, but I just can't sleep and you're staring at me." I hold my head down.


I sigh. So irritating. "See why do I have to get stuck with this maniac."

"What did you just say?"

"Never Mind." I cover myself in the room.


Jay is still there watching me. Even when I fall asleep and getting ready, he's just there under some stupid hoodie.

"Uhm, were you in the bathroom last night and this morning?"

"How many times did I ask you not to speak me?"

"But what if a killer is in here?" I said.

"Whatever it does not matter if it was me or not." He said pissed. "You're lucky that Cameron told me not to kill you yet."

"You really do hate me?"

"More than you can imagining."

"Well I guess then someone's gay."

"Watch it."

"What?" I smile, "so what if you're gay. Embrace that sexy gay serial killer."

"Oh wow, real funny."

"You're not laughing because you know it's true. Like come on, how can a guy disrespect such beauty." I point to myself.

"You're either blind or truly dumb. Beauty? You don't have boobs, in case you know they can't even fit in anyone's palm and you don't got any ass. Are you related to the wall or something?"

I gasp,"how dare you, I bet you're ugly and that's why you cover your face."

"Don't even start on ugly."

"Know what," I grab my suitcase. "Nice try,but I'm leaving here."

"How stupid are you. You can't leave here."

"I am going to." I pull the suitcase with me." Bye."

I heard nothing as I slam the door. Oh I'm getting out of here. Right now.

Please guys,vote and tell me how's the book so far.

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