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"So miss Amie Johnson." Sir said. "I see that you decided to grace us with your presence."

I laugh sheepishly, "better late than never."

He stares at me blank but ignore what I just said. "And what may you call this dressing to class now?"

I look down,remembering the crop top and booty shorts.

"Don't worry sir, we like it." Some boys shout.

"I forgot to change sir."

"This is the manly side. The dark side down here. Unless you change class and decided that a stripper or prostitute, the tube was right next to this."

"No sir."

"Then get something dark. Dark green, blue, purple or just black. I don't appreciate you taking my students hormones. They might shoot someone and not the target by watching you."

"But I have no-"

"No excuses. You are a good shooter and a good student, but not because you're new or a girl, I will make you see the worst side of me."

He walks away. "Now class let's start again."

I look around and everyone is staring at me. Gosh. I look down when a hand slap my shoulder.

"Idiot." I look up at Jay.
"Why are you late?"

"I was running from those robots."

"You got away? Those things are fast."

"Yeah. I know now. "

"Don't tell anyone other from us that you got away. Some children will the higher people and if sir finds out, he will tell them to upgrade it because the new girl out run and got away from it."

"Oh okay. Well not me really, if it wasn't for Cameron, I would've been dead. We escape twice, near death."

"You and Cameron. So you and Cameron were in the room?"

"Yeah, where you left us."

"So where was Emma?"

"She left."

"But if Emma left, what were you two doing until the bots show up?"


"You sit and did nothing."

"Just talk."

"About what?"


"Like what Amie?!"

I back away. "Jay calm down." His eyes became darker and he sigh and run his hands over his mask face.

"Here." He pulled a shorts from his bag. "Wear that." He throw it at me and walk away. What's his problem?

I pull it up and it half fall off me. I took one of the elastic band that keeps my messy hair up, to catch it at the side. I join the class when sir throws a gun at me. "Fall in."

He look down at my belly showing under the crop top and shake his head. "Next time be prepared because you don't want to get detention here."

"no sir."



"This is getting harder." I said to Jay.

"It's getting easier. What's so hard in shooting 15 target in 5 second?"

I spit the water out that I just take in,"are you crazy. In 5 seconds? That's so short."

"No. I guess I'm just use to it."


"I spend a lot of time here before I had friends. Until I met Cameron down here because he came down the wrong tube and spot a crazy kid, shooting everything alone. We became friend and I met the others. All of us were people who were odd. No one really hanged around but we all meet and it just became a group."

"Oh really. So am I in the group?"

"I don't want you to."

I pout, "why?"

"Mostly you annoy me and I can't take that. Worst you are my roommate."


"But anyways,they would probably love you so I can't really go against all the group."

I smile. This is the first time we actual talk. "Please don't stay here too late." Sir said, exiting the class leaving us alone.

"So Jay," he turns to me. "Did you know how to shoot before this School."

"I did. My father was one of the top spy, most wanted killer, probably in the country. I use to train with him because I was the son and of course, you can't get the father, take someone he loves. I gotta be safe."

"What's his name?"

"Let's just say his name is Jarrett. Jarrett would like his name to be a secret, so his son can't tell you."

"The others know?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no, but you're not hearing it."

I sigh, "But still, how did you get here?"

"I'll admit. I am crazy most times. Some kid tried to fight me so I threaten to shoot him and the school up."


"Don't look at me like that. Come on, every students, at least once, Thought about shooting everyone in their school. It's school ." He said,as if I am suppose to relate to murdering everyone in my school.

"But my mom heard, put me here and said she will come back. But she died and dad can't take me, he's wanted. But good thing no one knows I'm his son."

"I'm sorry."

"So basically I'm in prison, for life."

I stare at him, "with friends that will never leave your side no matter how crazy you get." I smile warmly at him.

"If you're taking about you as my friend, I shot a couple people and I was not in my crazy state, and you avoided me for like 3 weeks."

I laugh, "I'm sorry. I was afraid."

"Yeah." He smiles at me. I could see the mask moving upwards, with his eyes squinting as he smiles.

My cheek lit up from just the reveal of his eyes. Just what are you hiding.

"I know I'm sexy but don't stare."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Or blush." His hands run over my cheek when he got up. "Come on, let's get lunch."

"O...o..okay." I stuttered.

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