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"She did what?" Cameron shout, once we all gathered in the room.

"She's just like me." Jay said.

" I am nothing like you. You're a murderer who kills people for no reason. I am not. I don't belong here, it was all a mistake today." I cover my face.

"What happened today was not a mistake. It was a calling. You keep saying you don't belong here but have you ever thought about this as something good?"

"To be with a bunch of people like you?"

"Maybe yes. You don't know what the future holds. Maybe this is where you should be." He argues.

"No. Not here."

"You can't get out anyway so what are you going to do?" Emma ask.

"Lock myself in this room and starve to death." I mumble in my lap.

"Just wow," Jay turns to Cameron, "if I got the ok to kill her from the start from all off you guys, we wouldn't need to deal with this chick, but no, everyone wants to keep her alive." He shove his gun in a bag and started throwing random things in there.

"Listen calm down Jay. She's new to this. How many people you witness came here, just like her and how long it took them to be normal that it's just their destiny."  Cameron said.

I heard Jay sigh.

"Whatever. Amie, we have class tomorrow." He said.

"I'm not going."

"You have to go. You weren't listening to what we were saying this morning. The school is very loose on everything, except their classes. Everyone goes to class because a machine pass through here, everywhere. If you get caught that's the end." Lucas explain.

"I don't care. I rather die."

"Stubborn." Cameron hiss his teeth.


I sit up, staring at Jay. I bet he's looking directly at me. "So you plan to do this every night?"


"Don't you sleep?"


I sigh. "I am not going to kill you."

"Heard that before."

I roll my eyes. "Why do you want me to go to class with you? What's the point? I can't kill anyone."

"If you can do something like, it's just a calling. I don't like seeing  talent like that going to waste."

"It was a mistake."

"Mistake or not, that prove that there is something in you. "

I look down. "But I don't know how I did it."

"Okay. Tomorrow let's go down there. Carry some snacks and practise early before class."

"That sounds like a good way to kill me. I heard all class is sound proof."

He laughs, "oh really. Thanks for suggesting that to me."

"Jay you better not."

"Don't you worry."I feel like he's smirking right now.


"You keep it here." He touch his waist. "Some girl keep it in their breast, for some reason, but you can't." He laugh at his joke,with his deep voice.

"Jay." I frown.

"Okay sorry. Now when you keep it here, you have a better access to pull it out. I keep it everywhere on my body as I can. But you pull it with one quick swift move and aim."

I look at him lost. "Try it." He sigh.

Okay, easy Amie. Calm and pull.
"Okay target on lock, pull it out now."

I grab the gun but it got stuck in the pouch. "Okay that's fine. You can do it. Let's try again. The target is north to you, don't let it escape."

I pull the gun out but I pull too hard and it fly straight from the pouch and to the floor.

"I'm sorry."

"Cool, one more."


I sigh. "Target on lock down. Take the shot Amie."

I pull the gun messy but it got out and I aim.

"Are you fricking kidding me."


"At least you pull it out but are you crazy. If bullets were in that gun you would've killed yourself.You can't grab the gun like that."

"I am trying okay."

"You're not trying at all Amie."

"How do you know. It's hard to be a normal teen, two days after I'm training to be a serial killer."

"Stop saying everyone is killer. You just train how to use a gun. What do you think this is? They train us how to use a gun and the crazy stuff but they also train us when and where to use it. They help improve your skill,while showing you how to control it."

"I am just tired and can't get this in my head."

"You better, because I always tell you I don't worthless girls."

"I am not worthless punk."

"Oh you can't do shit good or anything, you have nothing to offer, what do you call yourself?"

"A smart and intelligent girl."

"Don't let me hear you ever lie to yourself again. Now pull the damn gun out."

I grab the gun and swing it into my other hand, clutching It with both hands. "Are you satisfied now?"

He laugh. "I told you so."

"Tell me what?"

"You just did it but you were angry. Everytime you pick a gun up, get yourself mad. Think about the target as what you hate the most."

"You damn hoodie face."

"Aww such a lovely compliment." He touch his chest.
"It wasn't. When you grab a gun, that's your anger. Immediately think about a situation. If the target is running from you, since you can't just shoot it like that, think that he/she was your back then teacher that gave you a F."

I smile at his stupidness.

"So are you going to let the target get away. You shoot that damn teacher. So that means for you to shoot the target, you need get your gun fast, without a mistake."

"I understand what you mean. So is that what you do?" I pull the shorts down that he made me wear and said it's badass.

"Nope," He grab his gun. "I just have talent." He started shooting some of the human shape cut out. Even the ones behind him. This boy is crazy." You see, it's easy to do, without looking."

"Wow." He stopped. "How did you even do that?"

"Talent, practise  and confidence. You have the talent, you just need practise, and stop doubting yourself that this is a mistake and you can't do it."

"I'm not really doubting, but what you just did, I can't do."

"See," he said, "you did the same thing in class yesterday, without looking."

"But that was my side. You shout behind you as well."

"Confident. I'm sure it will hit what I want it to. So think this way. You're in a field of junk food and you spot a broccoli, northwest, are you going to let that stupid green freak corrupt your land of burgers, and pizza? No. So you're mad now. They keep coming, surrounding you. You can't shoot wild, you might kill mister hotdog. So stay calm, feel it and shoot with confident that you're going to protect the food you love. Got it?"

"Uhm Jay... huh?"

"I'm sorry, I'm hungry and those snacks did nothing." He admit and I laugh.

"Let's go get breakfast, we still have like 15 minute."

"Yeah." I look at him crazy.

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