Life Changes

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Joeys POV:

I texted Emily to see if she wanted to meet for lunch or anything bu she didn't respond. She always responds this worries me. Is she cheating? No that isn't Emily what so ever. Why would she do that? I hear a knock at the door. I wal over and open to see Sam in tears.

Sam: Joey I have a feeling Emily is in trouble?

Joey: What why?

Sam: Somebody broke into my apartment last night. I go downstairs to check it out and it was Lisa taking a knife from the cabinet. I tried to stop her but she hit me with a cutting board. I think she may try to hurt Emily.

Joey: Thats insane are you okay?

Sam: Ya but your wife may not be.

The thought of Emily being hurt made my stomach turn. I didn't want to think about her being hurt maybe even dead. I have no idea what to do. I grab my phone and Sam and I get in my car. We drive to the hospital going over the speed limit as much as possible. We get there and we run in. I hate this place way to many things have happened here. I run up to the desk and ask for Emily Graceffa hoping a praying that they don't have a girl by the name of Emily Graceffa.

Nurse: Yes, she was drove here an hour ago she is in surgery.

Joey: What happened??!?!

Nurse: Are you family?

Joey: I am her husband.

Nurse: She was stabbed. She lost a lot of blood. Oh I just got an update on her.

She types something on her computer.

Nurse: Yep she is out of surgery you can see her in room 708.

The police arrive.

Sam: I have to go talk to them go ahead see you soon. 

I hug her and run up to her room. Doctors were just walking out they were whispering in the hallway I tried to listen in.

Doctor: Doesn't look good what so ever.

Doctor 2: Ya her whole lower half of her stomach is just in shreads. She lost a lot of blood as well.

Doctor: Poor girl she was only 22. She had her whole life going for her.

Doctor 2: I don't think she has long lets just hope we can get some family members done here before it is to late. I have a feeling it will be to late soon.

They walk away and I run into the room. I see Emily. She looked rough I walk over to her. I grab her hand and kneel on one hand.

Joey: It is okay Em I have got you. I promise. Life changes and we are ready for it. I here something beep. It sounded like it was Emily but I looked up and everything was fine. I look to the wall and I see a curtain. There is somebody else in here. I look over and she is in rough shape. Worse them Emily and sje is dying. The doctors rush in. 

Doctor: I told you she didn't have much time. She was only 22 its a shame.

They take her away. I guess Emily wasn't the one they were taling about. There is hope for us. This is a good thing. We can do it no matter what.

I smile and grab her hand again.

Joey: We will shatter crash and burn..

I smile to myself.

Doctor: Hey you must be Joey! We would like to wake Rmily up to see how she is doing.

Joey: Of course. 

I squeeze her hand and she starts to wake up. She looks up and her eyes go big. She looks scared. I make sure she knows. I am here.

Doctor: Emily you are in the hospital you were stabbed. Do you remember this?

Emily: What what what...

Doctor: Emily

Joey: Calm down Em. It is going to be alright

Emily: No no no no.

Doctor: Emily just stay calm.

Emily: What about the baby? Is the baby okay?

I drop her hand and stand up. I back up. I brush my fingers through my hair.

Doctor: Sorry Emily it seems that you are no longer prenant.

She covers her mouth and starts to cry. I wanted to comfort her but I was in shock myself. I leaned against the wall trying to begin to process what was happening.

Emilys POV:

Grief came over my body. This is all my fault. The docotrs left awhile ago. I look over and Joey is sitting on the window sill. Staring at the rainy view of L.A. He never got to know. I mean I just found out myself. Slience that is all there was between us. He ignored me. Was he mad? Was he angry? Did he want to leave and hope for better luck? Did he just want to end it? I ddin't know what he was thinking for once I couldn't read his face on what he was thinking.

Emily: I am sorry.

Tears slide down my face. JOey looks over at me. He looks at me and runs over to me and wraps me in his arms.

Joey: It isn't your fault it is Lisa's.

Emily: They want to take everything from us! EVERYTHING!!

Joey: They can't take our love. They can't hurt how our hearts connect. 

Emily: I was so happy I was planning on telling you and everything.

Joey: Sounds nice. Everything is going to turn out fine. We will have kids once we recover from this. Do you want to tell people?

Emily: Won't it make them mad? I mean towards Lisa even more.

Joey: That is true. I want Lisa behind bars though.

Emily: I know you do. We will make sure of that. For now we don't tell anybody about the baby. Sawyer would freak.

Joey: Lisa stole the knife from Sam's apartment.

Emily: Of course she did. 

I shake my head a laugh. Shane and Lauren along with Connor and Nicole come thing. To my suprise Alexa and Kian come in this is new.

Alexa: Em you are alright!

Emily: Ya nothing hurt. Just sore.

Lauren: She is so sick we talked to Sam.

Emily: I know she is.

Nicole: If we cross paths I will kill her. Her last words she will hear will be for Emily!

Emily: Thats sweet?

Sam comes running in.

Sam: Well I have an update.

We all pay look at her.

Sam: Lisa was caught she is behind cold steal bars right now.

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