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The sun was setting and Zack and I were laying on the beach hearing the waves crash.

Zack: So tell me about yourself.

Emily: I did tell you about myself.

Zack: Not the stuff from when growing up.

Emily: My childhood wasn't any better.

Zack: Well then tell  me.

Emily: My father had passed away when I was 11 leaving me with my Mom she wasn't the best parent. More blah blah blah and then I had a horrible relationship blah blah blah moved to L.A. and then met Joey blah blah blah. Married and now this.

Zack: Lots of blah blah blahs.

Emily: Ya you know it.

Zack: Any siblings?

Emily: Not that I know of.

Zack: Haha.

Emily: You?

Zack: I had a little sister. Her name was Marely. She was the sweetest person I ever knew in my life. She pasted away of a rare cancer when she was 5 and I was 10. Ever since I wanted to make a chairty for that certain cancer. I want to start research foundation as well but both together would cost about one million so there is no chance of starting that.

Emily: Never say never.

My phone started to ring. I look at the screen and it said Mom.

Emily: Oh I got to take this.

Zack: Thats alright I better get going.

Emily: See you later.

I kiss him and he walks home. Did I mention I live on the beach now. I pick up my phone and answer.

Mom: Hey Em how are you doing?

Emily: Good Mom listen whats up?

Mom: Well I was going through your father's medical records and I noticed something interesting before we got married. 

Emily: What is it?

Mom: Well um it seems...

Joeys POV:

Kat and I were playing Clue on the floor when I heard a knock on the door. I go over and answer it.

Nicole: I can't believe you!

Joey: Nicole what are you doing here?

Nicole: Listen I saw all you texts why aren't you going after Emily?

Joey: She doesn't want to be with me.

Nicole: So who is this?

Joey: Kat my girlfriend.

Nicole: Your insane your married.

Joey: Not for long.

Nicole: Your kdding right.

Joey: Nicole I am not kidding what so ever.

Nicole: As your sister I disapprove of this.

Joey: I don't really care anymore. I spent a lot of my life trying to make Emily happy and she ran away.

Nicole: You spent your life or she spent hers.

Joey: Are you saying she is always trying to make me happy.

Nicole: Joey she saved you so many times. That girl has been through way to much.

Joey: She lied about a baby.

Nicole: Ya and you cheated in her with her. She tried to move on but she came running back. She traveled across the country to get you back.

Joey: And she moved to another state.

Nicole: It always seems she does all the chasing after you.

Joey: Are you trying to say something? If so spit it out.

Nicole: Joey she was to good for you and you throw it all away.

Joey: I know she was to good for me! I know! Why she was eer with me in the first place I really don't know at this point.

Nicole: Joey just do the right thing for once.

Joey: I am I am giving her space.

Nicole: Well if thats how you are putting it then well our family is taking a break in you. The are all so disappointed. I am not even trying to talk them out of it anymore.

Joey: Fine then leave!

Nicole: I will.

With that she walks away. I close the door and hear it knock again as soon as I sit on the floor. I get back up and answer. It was Landon.

Landon: Hey I was looking for Meghan we are going to the studio..wait Kat?

Joey: You know her?

Kat: Landon what are you doing here?

Landon: Getting Meghan you never returned my calls Kat. I thought you liked me. Are you with Joey now?

Kat: Well all those fan girls surrounded you and I realized that I had no chance with you.

Landon: That isn't true!

Kat: Well Landon I..

Landon: So you go for another guy. Joey I am not mad at you for this you didn't know.

Joey: Kat you dated my friend. Man go after all the Youtubers.

Kat: Joey I..

Joey: I think you should leave. I threw away a marrige for you Kat. Now leave.

Kat gets her stuff and walks out the door.

Landon: You know Joey I think she is at the studio now so I am sorry for this.

Joey: No thank you. Thank you for this.

I run out I need to go see Emily now is the time to get her back. I get in my car and try to drivd to the airport. Traffic was taking forever and it was when all the drunk drivers were out. I take back road to save time. I see lights coming towards me. It blinded me and I lost control of the wheel. I spun into a tree. I start to breathe heavy but I am awake. I feel blood trickling down my face. Lights come towards me and I see another car slipping and coming towards me. 

Black Out

Emilys POV:

Mom: Emily you have a brother. Half brother that is.

Emily: Oh my god that is really cool!

Mom: Glad your happy got to go doll bye hun!!

Emily: Bye Mom!

I hang up and run in the house. Sawyer is at the breakfast bar.

Emily: Sawyer I have a half brother.

Sawyer" REally?

Emily: Ya I want to find him.

Sawyer: I wouldn't do that.

Emily: Why not?

Sawyer: It may ruin some things not worth the risk.

Emily: Why are you trying to stop me.

Sawyer: I don't want you getting hurt Em.

Emily: He is family.

Sawyer: Emily please.

Emily: Do you know something I don't?

Sawyer: Ya.

Emily: What?

Sawyer: Well its me.

Emily: Your my brother?

Sawyer: Yes Emily. I am your brother.

Ohh snappp

Green Eyes (Sequel to Blue Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now