My Little Rant

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Hell My fellow readers! I am so excited that you love the sequel. Today before I post I would just like to bring up somethings that have bothered me a little bit. The major thing that bothers me right now is when people message me through Kik. Now I am not mad becaus eyou like message me. I love talking to you all it is honestly one of my favorite things to do and get feed back on the story. Now what concerns me is people get offened when I don't respond right away and you think I am ignoring you. This is truly not the case I need to clarify that! On Kik you can see if I read the message right away. Now sometimes I read the message and I don't have time to respond. Like lately for some weird unclear reason I have been busy so I am trying! Also I don't always respond right away because A. my school has a locked wifi so I can't get on Kik and B. I get message most at like 3-5 which is when I have softball practice so I don't see it. I wasn't expecting you to know that considering you don't really know much about me and we need to change that. Now on to Wattpad messaging for some weird reason I have even checked my settings I don't get told when I get a message through my phone. So don't think I am ignoring you. 

Alright now that this is out of the way I need to bring up another thing my grammar that needs help. I often find myself running out of time to edit my posts and if you want a new chapter every night you have to bare with me I guess idk. One comment was that I spelled Meghan wrong. Sorry it is just another way of spelling. 

Alright thank you for listening well readin this I really Love you all so just ask me anything you want to knpw about me on my account is emem18th. Love ya all

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