I Wanna Help

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“Ain’t it fun? Livin’ in the real world! Ain’t it good to be all alone” –Paramore Ain’t It Fun

Cerys POV:

We go out for lunch after Emily left just Zoe, Joe and I. I talk with them asking about Emily and Joey. They tell me as much as they can but they are never really down and they never met Anna. This is more difficult than expected. I have a feeling Emily and Joey are not on the same page with whole investagtor coming to see if their daughter is alive. I mean I don’t blame them it is hard.

Zoe: I am going to go use the little girls room.

She gets up and leaves Joe and I alone.

Joes POV:

I have to admit that Cerys was very pretty. Very sweet and she cared about this case. She is kinda short but she has blue eyes and blonde hair. She also I has glasses. She looks very professional.

Joe: Can I ask you a question but you can’t tell anyone.

Cerys: Well I can try.

Joe: I wanna help you with like finding info and going to locations I mean you never know with these people I could beat them up for you.

Cerys: Well that sounds promising. I mean you are very slim are you fit to do it?

Joe: Yes! But you can’t tell Zoe. She might kill me.

Cerys: I won’t but you need to listen or else u could ruin this whole research I have going on.

Joe: Oh trust me I will follow everything you say.

Zoe comes back.

Zoe: What were you taling about?

Cerys: Starbucks I haven’t been to one in awhile.

Zoe: We should go!

Cerys: Sounds awesome!

I smile at her and she winks back. So I have a little crush.

Joeys POV:

Emily and sit on the couch and Emily has ice on her cheek. She is cuddle up next to me. I won’t let her go. I feel terrible about what happened. Sawyer was right I am no better then Eric.

Cerys: Oh my god! What happened to your cheek?

I look down at her. I was waiting for her to expose me. I am sure Zoe will hate me now.

Emily: I was to close to my car door when I opened it.

Zoe: It looks like a hand print Em.

Emily: Does it really?

She grabs her phone and looks at the camera.

Emily: Hahaha it does that is funny!

She takes a selfie and posts it with the same story. She is amazing. She saved me there.

Emily: Stupid car!

Cerys: Ya well haha so I read up on that whole story of Anna and I may have a lead. I am going to my hotel to look into it more.

Joe: Can I come?

Cerys: Sure!

Joe: Awesome!

Zoe: Stay safe Joe.

Joe: I will!

They leave.

Zoe: How did your story get through an investigator?

Emily: What are you talking about?

Zoe: You left early with a red mark on your face. You didn’t hit yourself with the door. You are not a common blonde.

Emily: Well I…

Joey: It was me, I hit her. I was angry and I have not seen my therapist this week and I regret every second after it. I slapped her Zoe. I won’t do it ever again.

Zoe: I am ashamed of you Joey. I will be in my room.

Zoe went up stairs.

Joey: Thanks for trying to cover me.

Emily: Sorry it back fired.

Joey: It happens.

Cerys POV:

I was looking on my computer looking for info.

Cerys: There is not death certificate anywhere.

Joe: Isn’t she missing?

Cerys: No and the disease that the crazy doctor mentioned is not something a child is born with they can get it when they are one or above. Anna was younger.

Joe: Here is a website of the place he worked at!

I run over.

Joe: He was an RN for the ER.

Cerys: He was a nurse for and Emergency Room!

Joe: They took him away.

Cerys: Yes the one question is where is Anna?

Joe: Maybe they dropped her off at an adoption center.

Cerys: Yes Joe type in adoption center in L.A.!

We click the first one.

Joe: There are pictures of all the kids. Oldest to youngest!

Cerys: Oh this is amazing!

We go to 3 months I pull up a picture of Anna on my phone. We go through the newest additons of 3 months and there she is! Joe and I high five. I stare at him for a second. He kisses me.

We did it we found Anna Graceffa.

Green Eyes (Sequel to Blue Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now