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Emilys POV:

Emily: I am sorry I love him James.

James: After every thing he has done to you? I care and love for you Emily and you want to be with him.

Emily: I don't want you to understand. When you fall in love with the right one then you will know. Bye James.

James: Emily wait.

I keep walking out. I slam the door shut and then run to our apartment building. I run upstairs. I open the door and there is no soul there. Where is he? I look over at the fridge and there is a pink sticky note. I run over it says, " To whom may be reading this. I went to Boston for who knows how long. I need to clear my head and my heart. For one has been broken and the other is lost. Regards Joey"

I can't wait who knows how long. I go on my phone and get a one way ticket to Boston. I am not letting him get away from me. Not again.

Joeys POV:

I sit on the couch with Nicole and she seems very upset.

Nicole: Why would you do that?

Joey: Nicole I am sorry. I know you really liked her maybe more then me.

My family won't speak to me what so ever. They are so upset about what hppened with Emily. It was one thing because they loved her but the fact that I cheated made them want to disown me.

Nicole: You broke her heart Joey.

Joey: Ya I know Nicole if you think this hurts you then you should take a walk in my shoes. She was the best thing that happened to me and I messed up. I understand it is my fault. I will never forget that this was all my fault.

We sat in there in quiet.

Emilys POV:

I land in Boston. I get a taxi and arrive at Nicoles house. She will know where he is. I knock.

Nicole: Hey oh my god Emily!

Emily: Nicole where is Joey.

Nicole: At his hotel room. We are going to to dinner in an hour.

Emily: I have a plan.

Nicole: I am all ears.

Joeys POV:

I put on a suit. This reminds me of my wedding day. The best day of my life. I will always remember it. I fix my tye and I go to the lobby. I get a taxi and I drive to the Sunny 6 club. I see Nicole at a table. I join her and I order a drink.

Nicole: So what are you getting?

Joey: I think I am getting..

With that my phone starts ringing. I answer it.

X: Hello?

I regonize the voice.

Joey: Emily!

Emily: Joey.

Joey: Oh my god I am so excited to hear your voice. You have know idea how much I miss you.

Emily: I know. I know Joey.

Joey: I love you Emily Graceffa. Don't you ever forget that.

Emily: I never will.

Joey: What I would do to see you right now.

Emily: Well for starts you could turn around. 

She hangs up and I out my phone in my pocket slowly. I turn around and I see Emily. I get out of my chair alomost knocking it over. I run over to her and lift her by the waste. She cups my cheeks and I kiss her. Sparks shiver down my spin. Everybody was staring but I didn't care. I was with the love of my life. I couldn't be happier. I set her down and hug her.

Joey: I love you so much.

Emily: I love you more.

I never thought I would hear that ever again from her. 

Nicole: Hey you two go back to L.A. be happy.

I turn around and smile at Nicole. I grab Emily's hand and we run out. We grab a taxi and go to the airport. They can just mail me my clothing that I left in the room. I was willing to pay extra. We arrive and get tickets. I just want to be with Emily and that is all I could ever ask for.

Sawyers POV:

Tonight was the night I was going to ask Flynn to spend the rest of her life with me. I want to be with her forever and ever. This night was going to be so special. 

Flynns POV:

Sawyer and I eat dinner.

Sawyer: Come on lets go on an adventure!

Flynn: Who are you and what did you do with my Sawyer?

Sawyer: Come on! Follow me!

He takes my hand and we run outside. He runs toward the park. 

Sawyer: Race ya!

Flynn: Oh you are so on!

I start running and I lose Sawyer behind me. I run into the park and it is pitch black. I look around.

Flynn: Sawyer?

All of a sudden a stage lights up. I turn around and look at the stage. Its Panic! At the Disco! I freak out. This isn't happening.

Brendon: This is for you Flynn.

The End Of All Things comes on. I loved this song so much. Where is Sawyer. A spotlight is shined on him. I cover my mouth is this really happen?

Sawyer starts walking over to me the light is following him. He walks over to me and smiles.

Sawyer: Flynn. girls like you are once in a life time. I never thought I could find someone so special. I love you with all my heart. That is why I am this. 

He gets down on one knee and pulls out an amazing ring. I start to cry as my jaw is just on the ground.

Sawyer: Will you marry me?

Flynn: No

Green Eyes (Sequel to Blue Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now