Dead: 2 Of 3

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I was scared who was to die next or would we all just explode. This is one creepy hall way and we can’t seem to find the end. I hold on to Joey’s arm for dear life. He uses his phone to guide us down the hallway. Thank god for that new feature. I am waiting for another man to pop out and just stab Joey. I  didn’t want to lose him. I am also preparing myself for the fact that I may not have a baby anymore. I mean Joey and I have not had the time to talk about what happens if worse comes to worse. That’s not what parents should be thinking/worrying about. I should worry about iff I am not giving her enough vitnams or something stupid and small like that.

Lisa: Does this hallway ever end?

Jessica: *snickers* It did for Tyler.

We stopped and looked at her.

Jessica: Sorry to soon.

We keep walking look for some kind of hope. We finally see and little bit of light.

Joey: Should we run?

Jessica: Yes!

We run as fast as we can down the long hallway. It seems like the light is farther then we thought. We run and finally we are outside in some sort of forest.

Emily: What even is this?

We see a long bridge that is narrow and leads to another rock formation.

Lisa: I think it can only hold one at a time.

Joey: Well then the question is who is going first?

Emily: I will.

I step on and hit wobbles. I want to run but I know I can’t I close my eyes and walk straight. I trip over a root and I then realize I am off the bridge. Next it was Joey.He acted like it was nothing and that he did every day of his life. I shake my head and then Lisa walks over. I hear the ropes creek which makes me nervous. She jumps over and now it was Jessica’s turn. She starts walking and she is a quarter of the way here. All of a sudden I hear the ropes snapping.

Emily: Run Jessica run!!

We scream to her she starts running. Wow this was like an action movie the bridge starts to fall to pieces one by one under her feet finally she gets close to us. The last plank falls and she goes down with it. She grabs on to the cliff. I run over and I give her my hand.

Jessica: Emily I am so sorry for running that proposal at Vidcon. I am sorry for all I have done. I want you and Joey to be together for the rest of your lives. That’s my one and only wish.

Emily: I got you Jessica just don’t let go you are not going to die. We will not lose another person.

I start to pull her up. All of a sudden and arrow goes into her arm and she lets go and drops 50 feet. I know that we have lost one more. I froze there and Joey pulled me away.

Joey: Come on Em it is too late to save her. We have a chance of saving  Anna.

I nod and we keep one going. We walk into to cave and we see stares.

Lisa: Lets go up!

We start to walk and I already know this is going to be a long journey.

Zacks POV:

I only have four men left to help me defend myself. Luckily now there is only 3 of them. I think all 5 of us can handle that.

Zack: I only want Emily. Emily shall stay alive.

Guard: What shall we do with Anna?

Guard 2: I hate to say this boss but should we just get ride of her.

Zack: That would crush her.

Guard: Wouldn’t she run into your arm?

Zack: Not if I am the one who did.

Guard: What if we made it look like you were the hero.

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