The Higher Power

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Emilys POV:

How could it be Joey? Why would he want to hurt me like that.

Jessica: We were kidding its Eric's father.

Emily: Rob?

Jessica: Yep.

Emily: Why is he after me?

Tyler: Simply because of your father.

Emily: John my father? John Lace who is an angel?

Lisa: You are right he is an angel.

Jessica: John and Rob where good friends and even worked together.

Emily: Ya Eric and I were friends as kids.

Tyler: Well your father got a Job that Rob wanted.

Lisa: Huge job with a lot of money.

Jessica: Rob got so made that he wanted to make John your father suffer. He did this by killing your father. He took the brakes out of your Dad's car. So when he tried to stop he went right into a treee killing him.

Emily: So it was Rob who killed him?

Tyler: Ya they some how made it look like sickness killed your father behind the wheel like he got really bad chills. 

Jessica: Once your Dad was gone he wanted to hurt the one John loved the most.

Lisa: Thats where you come into play. You mattered the most to your Dad.

Tyler: So Rob wanted to hurt you and kill you at one point. So he got his son Eric, to hurt you and abuse you Eric never loved you. Brent joined Eric to help out. Eric was supposed to be that mean to you. That was the plan. You ran away and that is when you found Joey. 

Jessica: Joey made you happy. Rob didn't want that so he tried to kill you or Joey. Then he brought me in. He saw Joey buy the ring. He had to stop you from being happy. He had me try to kill you and break you two up. I hated having to do it but it was that or die myself. 

Lisa: You two were to strong for Jessica so he brought us in. Emily you need to stop him. He will find out that we told you and he will try to kill us all. Please you have to stop him! 

Jessica: Emily he out for blood.

Emily: I can't even right now.

Tyler: You need to go to NYC and bring a strong person. Maybe Sawyer possibly. I suggest him he is strong.

Emily: Okay I will try my best to take him down. I can't tell Joey he willl try to stop me and we can't have that.

Tyler: We won't say anything. Leave ASAP pick fast and leave tonight.

Emily: Alright let me think. Sawyer would try to stop me and I need some strong guy.

Lisa: Good luck.

Emily: Thanks.

I get up and leave I drive home and try to think of a good person to use. Some one who is willing to help and is strong. I pull in the parking lot and sit in the car. What should I do? Who should I pick? Sam maybe? She is strong. I text her everything praying for a response. I told her is she doesn't want to not to tell a soul. I walk in and Joey was awake on the couch. Sam says yes and we will meet at the airport at 7. I pretend to get a phone call from my Mom. I acted all shocked.

Emily: Are you alright? I will be down there as soon as possible I promise. I love you. Stay strong.

Joey springs up from the couch.

Joey: Whats wrong?

Emily: My Mom had a heart attack and I need to go pack and catch a flight.

Joey: Ya let me come with you.

Emily: No, Joey please I need to do this on my own just please.

Joey: Alright I love you!

 I grab my keys and run out the door. I drive to the airport and Sam is there. We get tickets and look around for a place to eat. We find a Subway and we eat the most unheathly thing. Once we finish we get to our gate and board the plane. I google Rob Gin. Yes Eric Gin was his name. No way I was taking that last name.

Sam: Here let me see that.

Sam takess the computer and I hear a bunch of clicking she shows me where he is living.

Emily: How did you do that?

Sam: I went to college for private investgating.

Emily: Really?

Sam: Yep. Now there is a hotel across the street from where he is. Let me book us a room. We can plan our next steps there.

Emily: Awesome!

We land and get a taxi. We go to our hotel and settle down. We research him even more and it scares me all the dirt we found on him.

Sam: If you don't mind me by asking if I couldn't tell a soul what does Joey think you are doing in NYC?

Emily: He thinks my Mom had a heart attack.

Sam: That is so evil. But smart.

Emily: I will tell him but he needs to stay out of the way for now.

Sam: Alright don't mess up the marrige.

Emily: I will try not to.

Landon Austins POV:

Luke and I finished a set at the local bar. We pack up and I go and grab dinner. I walk into Paula's Pizza and order a personal pineapple pizza. 

Young Man: Personal pineapple pizza!

I put my phone in my pocket. I go and pcik it up and another girl puts her hand on it.

Girl: Oh sorry. I thought this was mine.

Landon: This has never happened to me. Nobody likes pineapple pizza. 

Girl: I love it.

Landon: Really? Whats your name?

She was a very very very pretty girl. She looked like Joey's wife but she had blue tips in her hair. she had amazing eyes and a cute smile.

Girl: I am Kat.

Landon: Awesome I am Landon. Listen wanna split this?

Kat: I would like that.

We sit and eat and talk! She was so nice. She was the sweetest person ever! We finish and talk the for two more hours. I give her my number and we go our seprate ways I hope she feels the same.

Kats POV:

Landon was so sweet and kind. I wtch him walk away and smile. Fan girls come up to him. They hug him and scream over him. What was I thinking? He would never be with me. He doesn't need me. He has other girls. I feel played.

Sawyers POV:

I hear Fylnn finally fall asleep. I write a note saying I was going to the store to get some more soup just in case she woke up before I came back. I am going to Jared. I want to make her my wife some day. I love her with all my heart and I never want to let her go. I look at all the rings trying to find the one that will make her eyes sprakle. I pick the most amazing one and they take it out of the case so I can see it. I buy the ring and get the nice velvet box. Now I just need a plan to ask her to marry me.

Joeys POV:

I worry about Karen which is Emily's mom. I call the hospital to see how she is doing.

Nurse: Hello how may I help you?

Joey: Yes I am looking for a Karen Lace.

Nurse: Karen Lace last time she was here was for an x-ray a month ago.


Thanks to Nicole for the idea of Eric's father!!!

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