At The Door

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Emilys POV:

I open the door and it was Zack.

Emily: What are you doing here?

Zack: You just left with a new born and your husband died. I came to check on you. 

Emily: Zack..

Zack: I know there is no chance of us right now I mean you just lost your love and I couldn't ask you to just forget him.

Joey puts his hand on my back.

Joey: Hey, whats going on?

Zack: Or it seems you have already moved on from your husband.

Emily: This is my husband.

Zack: Wow I wasn't planning on this happening. Hi I am Zack.

Joey: So your Zack. Please come in.

Zack and I both looked at him funny Zack came in and we all sat at the table.

Joey: Listen, I know this is weird but Zack I would just like to thank you for watching over her and making her feel loved when I couldn't. I couldn't thank you enougj.

Zack: Wow, you are a kind man. I thought you would like yell at me.

Joey: No you kept her happy. I don't see you shooting me in the future to get ride of me so.

Zack: Well thats a little insane.

Emily: No, no its not.

We hear the door ring again and Joey goes to answer it.

Joeys POV:

I open the door and Kat was there.

Kat: Can I come in?

Before I could give her an answer she just walked in. She walked into the kitchen and everyone was there.

Emilys POV:

I look up and Kat is standing there.

Kat: Emily your back.

Emily: Ya a little bit.

Kat: Well this is strange.

We hear the door again. Joey answers it and James come walking in.

Emily: Is Eric going to come through the dorr next?

Joey: God I hope not.

Sawyers POV:

Flynn: We aren't going to break apart right?

Sawyer: Of course not we will be fine Flynn.

Flynn: Sawyer what if we mess up some where along the road?

Sawyer: Oh man that would make us human that would not be good.

She smiles.

Flynn: Sawyer I just want you to know I love you.

Sawyer: Well I feel the exact way.

Emilys POV:

Kat: Looks like we all have something in common. We were all played by the Graceffa's. 

Zack: I wasn't played. She wanted to say good bye.

Kat: To you forever?

James: Listen if it weren't for you non of this would have happened.

Emily: Non of you were meant to be dragged into this.

Zack: Dragged? We jumped in. Our fault I guess.

Joey: Wow you are kind too.

Zack: Thank you.

Kat: Listen, Emily I am not trying to be rude I mean really you are very nice a kind and I didn't know Joey was married. I came to clear my name.

Emily: I am not it isn't worth it.

Kat: Can we friends?

Emily: Of course.

James: Wow this is a loser fest! Where is the heart break and hate? Joey ruined my one love not yours Zack? I mean really stand up for yourself.

Zack: Man why don't you just leave. 

James: Not until I do this.

James pulls out a pocket knife. He waves it around. He gets close to Joey.

Zack: I think we can talk this out with words not knives.

James: Being smart huh?

Emily: James just calm down.

James: Shut it Lace.

Kat: Its Graceffa !

James: You too!

Zack: Man just calm down.

James: "man" I will not.

Joey attempts to grab the knife. James go to stab him and I take the knife. His eyes widen and he runs out. I pull the knife out and start to fall. Joey catchs me. Kat runs after him with Zack.

Joey: Oh my god Emily!

Emily: Calm down its...its only a knife.

Joey: Still, your bleeding.

Emily: Oh, would you look at that?

Joey: Emily stop kidding around your stabbed.

Emily: Come on just have some fun.

Joey: Your stabbed in the stomach.

Emily: Ya and I am starting to black black black out.

Joeys faces slowly fades away from my eyes.

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