Real Reason

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Emilys POV:

I get relased today and I am also going to the jail to see Lisa. She needs to explain and come clean on why she is after me. I really haven't done anything to her for her to stab me. Joey and I drive home and I unpack me things. I open my closet and my secret box falls down. That is unusal. I start to look through it. I am missing some stuff. I am missing things that my Dad gave me. This is strange. I look under my bed for my diary. Once I find it I flip through it. Nothing was taken. I have a whole box full of them I used to write in them when I was young it helped me when my Dad died. I look through them all one by one. Some person must have broken in. I find the journal that was all about my Dad. I open it and right away it was missing tons of pages. Who would want to learn about my father? He has been gone for 10 years now. I thought people had gotten over his death. Did Joey take them to learn more? He needs to watch what he is doing. I don't know what he will find. I haven't read through this since I was 14. Who knows what is in them at this point. I look at the time and the jail will be closing in an hour. I grab my keys and my phone. I leave Joey a note saying I was going out. He was sleeping on the couch. I don't blame him he never left my side when I was in the hospital.

I hop in the car and drive to the jail. I walk in and get a visitor pass.

Police Man: Who are you here to see?

Emily: Lis..

Police: I know who you are talking about.

Emily: How?

Police: She has had 3 other visitors today. She is popular.

People liking Lisa? Strange. They lead me to the room to talk to her. I sit on one side of the table and wait. They drag Lisa in and she gives me a strange look when she comes in. She looks sorry. This is just weird something is up. 

Lisa: I am so sorry Emily.

Emily: Why would you do it?

Lisa: It wasn't me who wanted to do it.

Two people are brought into the room. It was Tyler and Jessica my heart jumped. They are working together.

Emily: What is going on?

Tyler: Emily we don't want to hurt you.

Jessica: There is something bigger.

Lisa: Bigger then us.

Emily: You are lying.

Tyler: No we aren't.

Emily: Then tell me about this higher power. I am done with the games.

Lisa: Its the boss. 

Emily: The boss?

Jessica: Ya, he was after you Emily. He wanted to make you us kill you and make you suffer.

Tyler: We had know choice Emily.

Lisa: Only you can stop him from what he is doing.

Emily: Who is it?

They all stay quiet. Why won't they tell me?

Sawyers POV:

I hear coughing from the living room. Flynn has been sick. She has been in hospitals lately That most not be helping. I bring her some warm soup to help her throat. She looks pale and has a high tempature. I wrap her in my arms. I don't care if I get sick. It is worth it she is worth it. I love her with all my heart and I can hear wedding bells in our future.

Rickys POV:

Kayla and I have moved in together and it is awesome! She has started Youtube and she does DIYs and stuff. She has really made herself a fandom you could say. I am so proud of her for her to step out of her comfort zone.

Connors POV:

I edit my video out on the deck. We have lived in this small house for a week know. Nicole hit the volleyball in the backyard. When she wasn't looking I set the computer down and put on the sprinklers. I hear a scream and run and I pick her up I twirl her in the air and we slip in the mud that the water created. We laugh at how we were both just cover in mud.

Nicole: Alright you made this mess how do you suppose we get in the house now?

Connor: Oh.. should have thought about that.

Nicole: You think?

We laugh and just lay on the ground and stare at the clouds.

Laurens POV:

I look at Shane who is just moaping on the couch. He has not been the same since Lisa hurt Emily. I think he thinks it is his fault. It wasn't though. It was Lisa's hand that held the knife that was put in Emily's stomach. It wasn't his fault. Not even what little bit. I put an arm on his shoulder.

Shane: Don't do that. It was my fault. Don't act like it wasn't/\.

Lauren: Shane you would have taken that knife if you could have. You know that. I know. Emily knows that she doesn't blame you so you shouldn't blame yourself.

Shane: It might has well been me. I shouldn't have broke up with her. I could have saved Emily.

Lauren: Emily doesn't need saving. I did and you did just the job. I love you Shane. Nobody will change that.

Shane: You don't think it is my fault? Really?

Lauren: Not one bit.

He smiles and kisses me.

Jcs POV:

I am so excited I get to see Lauren way more often now it makes my life so much easier not having to go out of my way to see her. It made life hard at times. The fans love her in the videos and vlogs which is awesome to be shipped with her. I love being with her. She makes me laugh and she is like no other girl I have ever met before.

Kians POV:

I hate that my friends were right. Alexa is awesome and so sweet! She cares for me and is over every night to watch a movie. Maybe I should ask her to move in with me that would be cool. I will totally think about that. That would be a nice life. Just her and I in love.

Emilys POV:

Lisa: The higher power is Joey. Joey Graceffa is the higher power.

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