Just A knife

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Joeys POV: 

We are rushed to the hospital. Emily went into the OR and I was in my home away from home. The waiting room.

Kats POV:

Zack and run after James. He started running down the street. Zack and I get in my car and we drive towards him I speed up and hit him with my car. Zack smiles and is amazed. My mouth is wide open with a smile. I can't believe this just happened! I about start laughing. Kian and a girl with pink hair walk out with guns. There backs were together.

Kian: What was that?

Pink Haired Girl: Explain what you are doing.

Kat: Well this is James on the road I am Kat and this is Zack. Zack and I are friends with Emily and Joey Graceffa.

They lower there guns.

Kian: What about Joey and Emily.

Zack: He stabbed Emily.

Her face dropped.

Kian: I am Kian this is Alexa.

Alexa: We are good friends with them.

All of a sudden James raises from the ground and Alexa shoots him.

Zack: Wanna ride?

Alexa: Ya, lets go.

We get in the car and head to the hospital.

Emilys POV:

I wake up to all the bright lights. Wow they should make a room for me I am here so much. Joey smiles at me and I smile back.

Emily: Did I run into another knife?

I smile and he shakes his head.

Joey: Always cracking jokes.

Emily: As long as I know who your are.

Joey: Same old same old. 

We hear a crack of thunder.

Emily: Wow it is nasty out there.

Kat, Zack, Alexa and Kian come in. 

Emily: What happened.

Kat: I may have just hit James with my car.

Alexa: I may hav shot him with my gun.

Emily: Wow this is an early birthday present.

Joey: Well I am going to get dinner. Em, you stay her and you guys wanna come?

They all leave and the storm gets closer to us. I hear a thump and the lightening cracks. I look at the window and the lights go out. some horror movie we have going on right now. I look out the window and the lightening strikes again. Erics figure pops up and then goes away. I scream and a nurse comes running in.

Nurse: Hunny it is just a strom. 

Emily: Ya, ya okay.

She walks out and I take a deep breath. The lights come on.

Eric: Hi Emily.

Emily: Go away. 

Eric: What are you going to do? Only you can see me so let me have some fun with this.

Emily: Eric just leave.

Eric: And why would I do that? That is no fun. Come on we are going to have some fun these next couple decades. I will always be there Emily Lace. Don't you forgt it.

He gives an evil smirk. Well this is a problem.

Connors POV:

I knock on the hotel room door.

Connor: Nicole I know your out there. Just please. Please come out.

She unlocks the door and I walk in.

Nicole: You shouldn't be here.

I shut the door behind me.

Connor: You rejected me. What was that?

Nicole: I can't be with you Connor. Just pleace accept that for me please.

Connor: Why? 

Nicole: I can't love you. I can't be with you it is to hard leave please.

Connor: Fine on one condition. You look me in the eye and say you don't love me.

Sams POV:

I walk into the hospital and I see Joey and all there friends.

Sam: Really? Really again.

X: Seems like every person here says that. How have you not made friends here?

I look behind me and a man with brown hair and amazing hair smiles.

X: I am Zack.

Sam: Sam.

Zack: Nice to meet you.

Okay well he is so dreamy. 

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