Destroy You

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Emilys POV

Joey smiled at me well James was talking. Good he believes me. I can't tell him the truth it will cruh him to know. It turns out we won't know until the baby is born. The testes did not give us the answer. What if it is James baby? I can't just crush Joey like that. It isn't fair. We finish up and we drive home. I told James never to talk to me again. I don't want him in my life anymore. I am done with him. Joey kisses me and we drift to sleep.

Joeys POV:

I wake up and Emily is sleeping. I go downstairs and make eggs. David is up but Meghan isn't which is pretty typical. I finish my eggs and I hear a scream and a thunk. I run in and Emily fell down the stairs.

Joey: Oh my god Emily are you alright! Here let me help you up.

I was a wreck.

David: Calm down Joey she just slipped.

Joey: David she is pregnant.

Meghan: Wait what?!?!?! Oh my god ayay!

Now she is up.

Emily: Yes, and I am fine. Just calm down.

She walks into the kitchen and has a bowel of cereal. We all go in the living room and watch the Amazing Race that we recorded after all it was Emily's first time being on tv.

Emily: We kicked some butt!

Joey: Ya we did!

Meghan: So how far did you make it?

Emily: Not to far.

She looks over at me and she kisses me. 

Emily: I am going to go take a nap I am just really tired.

Meghan: Well David and I have to go to the gym.\

Emily: Have fun!

Emily goes upstairs and I stay on the couch. 

2 hours later---------

I see the mail truck arrive. Once they leave I walk out and grab it. I go back inside and sit at the counter. I shuffle through it all. Something from the hospital. I open it and it was a picture of the baby. I put it on the fridge and read the letter. Gender, unknown. Mother, Emily Graceffa. Father, unknown. 

Wait what?!? They must have made a mistake that is the only answer they made a mistake thats all. I hear foot steps and I turn around.

Emilys POV:

I walk downstairs to Joey reading the mail.

Emily: What is that?

Joey: Um baby stuff why does it say unknown on the father it must be a mistake right?

Emily: Well um..

Joey: Emily!

Emily: Fine fine fine. Joey we won't know until we see the baby's eye color.

Joey: Explain!

Emily: Well James carries the brown eye gene. I carry the blue you carry the green. Borwn beats all so if the baby has brown eyes then it is his.

Joey: I can't believe this you lied!

Emily: I never said anything!

Joey: You told me from your amazing blue eyes Emily. The ones that I thought brought love to my heart but it turns it brings pain.

He starts to cry.

Joey: I just want a baby with you. And only you and I can't even have that? Its like pick the thing you want a baby or you. Cause it seems I can't have both.

Emily: I should have never dragged you into this.

Joey: Emily I just want us to be a family.

Emily: We still can be.

Joey: Not by me knowing that this baby isn't blood.

Emily: I destoryed you. I destoryed us!

Joey: It seems we have always had a crack.

Emily: I can't do this anymore.

Joey: Do what? Emily we will get through this we always do.

Emily: Not this time Joey. I have to leave.

Joey: What where?

Emily: Away from you this is to much. Joey we are going to crush one another. I am going to destroy you and I can't live with that.

Joey: Leaving will kill me. Getting divorce papers in the mail killed me. Seeing you with another man killed me. Knowing that my child may be some other guys. That kills me but as long as it is with you I can survive.

Emily: I am sorry.

Joey: Don't leave!

He grabs my wrist as I try to walk out the door.

Emily: Joey face it. We can't do this. I can't do this. It wasn't ment to be.

Joey: Shatter crash and burn?

Emily: Joey things can't shatter if they don't exist. I 

Joey: Emily!

Emily: I am sorry Joey.

I take off my locket which I have never ever taken off. The one I got on Christmas. I put it in his hand and walk out the door. I get in my car and drive to Sawyer's place.

Joey's POV:

She is gone she left. I look at my hand to see the locket. She  is really done. I grab my phone and I call Kat she was right. Maybe #koey will have a better chance in this life.

Sawyers POV:

I hear the door bell ring I run up and answer it. It was Emily in tears.

Emily: Sawyer I have to get out of here.

Sawyer: What why?

Emily: I am going to have a baby in eight months and I don't know if it is Joey's or James's.

Sawyer: Okay.

Emily: We have to run away together.

Sawyer: What about Flynn?

Emily: Bring her along! She is my bestfriend.

Sawyer: Okay we just drop everything and move?

Emily: Ya?

Sawyer: Flynn!

Flynn runs in and we tell her everything. 

Flynn: Really if we were to move where?

Sawyer: Florida it is nice and friendly down there.

Emily: I like it.

Flynn: Lets run!

Emily: You guys would realy drop everything for me?

Flynn: Anything for you Em in a heartbeat.

Sawyer: Florida is amazing. I could shoot so many thru my eyes down there!

Emily: Lets go!

Joeys POV:

I sit on the couch staring at the locket. I have to go after her. I have to go. I run outside and I hear a hunk. I look to the right and a huge truck was coming my way before you knew it. I blacked out.

Green Eyes (Sequel to Blue Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now