Thanks For The Memories

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Emilys POV:

I open my eyes and light floods in. I blink and I see joey’s face in concern. He was blurry but I finally open my eyes all the way.

Joey: Are you okay?

He says with a smirk.

Emily: Where am I?

Joey: um, at home I dropped Anna off you knew you would not be able to do it since all you have to do is set up your office for an hour and I know you. You would say to yourself I she can stay in the car seat while I do it.

Emily: Ya, what is wrong with that?

He raises an eye brow.

Joey: Em, she has to get to daycare.

Emily: I don’t want strangers seeing her more than I do. Maybe I should I just quit.

Joey: No.

Emily: No?

Joey: As your husband I could not let you do that. I am sorry but no.

Emily: Fine be a jerk/sweet guy. Whatever!

I throw the blanket over my head and fall asleep again.

Joeys POV:

I look over and Emily is out again. I have to film a Shoey video lets hope Shane has his memory back. I get in my car and look in the mirror and see a little pink car seat. I smile and think about seeing my amazing little baby later. I drive over to Shane’s. I could see that Lauren has not been here in awhile it is a mess!

Shane: Hey Joeybear haven’t seen you in awhile I miss you my love.

He kisses my cheek and I give him a weird look. He brushes over my look and keeps on speaking.

Shane: So what video you wanna do?

Joey: I don’t know. Where is Lauren?

Shane: My producer how should I know?

Joey: No, Lauren your girlfriend.

Shane: I don’t what you are talking about! I am with you silly!

I put my left hand to protest. He grabs my hand and points out my wedding ring. The thing that makes me smile everyday knowing that the person who gave this ring to me loves me no matter and gave me the best give which is my little Anna.

Shane: Hun, people are going to think you are married with this on! We don’t want are fans to get to excited. Plus if you get one I get one!

He says with a smile.

Joey: Um Shan…

Shane: OMG I know what this is really for!

Joey: Shane I have been trying to…

He cuts me off again.

Shane: I know! You have been trying to ask me to marry you! Oh Joey the ring is amazing! Yes!!

He takes it off my finger and holds it and admires its beauty.

Shane: Oh Joey it is perfect.

Joey: I know my wife picked it out.

I grabbed the ring and put it back on. My hand feels naked without it.

Shane: Joey that’s not funny, now give me back my ring!

Joey: Shane it is my wedding ring! Not engagement. I am married to an amazing and stunning girl named Emily. We have a daughter who is two and a half months old her name is Anna.

His face dropped.

Shane: Joey stop playing.

He says with a little voice crack.

I grab my phone and show him a wedding picture and I scroll and show him a pic of Anna smiling, she just started doing that. It is actually a funny story. I was vlogging her for the first time and I had the camera close to her face and she smiled. I will never forget Emily’s words, “I guess we have a natural born Youtuber” I smile and nod. Alright back to the real problem.

Shane: She, she is beautiful. She looks just like you.

He says as if he was holding in all his tears and pride.

Shane: I gotta go.

Joey: But wait (leaves) this is your house….

Emily’s POV:

Office is done and mind is cleared! I start to cook dinner. Anna was on the play mat smiling as always. I set up the camera just so the fans could see her. I look back from my pasta I was cooking on the stove and smile at her. I hear a knock and I open the door. Shane is standing there. I greet him with a smile and he replies with a high five. Did I mention it was to the face. I grab my cheek in pain.

Emily: What was that?

Shane: You changed him!

Emily: Who?

Shane: Joey! He was madly in love with me! Until you got in the picture.

Emily: I have been in the picture for a year and a half. Are you just noticing I mean you were at the wedding.

He slaps me again and this time Joey grabs him by the shirt and pins him against the wall.

Joey: Leave!

Shane: But!

Joey: Before you hurt my family even more.

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