Well We Have To

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Joeys POV:

Joey: You are joking right?

Emily: No I am not kidding.

Joey: Well we need to find out.

Emily: Why won't you love the baby no matter what?


Emily: If the baby isn't yours you don't want anything to do with it, Well thank you Joey.

Joey: Emily, it would be hard but I would still help.

Emily: Well we will find out tomorrow for now I need to go to speak to James.

Joey: What? No not alone.

Emily: This baby could be his.

Joey: Well if it is then I am not allowing him to help. This is between you and I.

Emily: If he wants to be there he can be.

Joey: Emily are you insane.

Emily: This is out of our control now.

With that she walked out of the room.

Emilys POV:

I get in my car and drive to James. I walk up and ring the door bell.

James: Emily. Well this is a surprise. Please come on.

I come sit on the couch.

James: Did he hrut you again? Was I right?

Emily: No, I am pregnant.

James: Are you rubbing that in my face?

Emily: No James it may be well yours.

James: Really?

Emily: Yes we are having an internal DNA test tomorrow. You can come if you want.

James: Well if it mine what is the next step?

Emily: Well Joey and I will raise it.

James: I don't want him raising my baby.

Emily: Well James I don't know.

James: You and I can do it can't we?

Emily: I don't love you though.

James: Well if it is mine I am not leaving.

Emily: I don't know at this point.

James: Well Em, bright side it no matter what this baby will having a father. Me I am more loving,

Emily: Sure see you tomorrow.

I walk out and drive back. I lock the car and get inside the house and I walk upstairs. Joey is sitting up in the bed staring at the wall.

Emily: I don't know what to do and the person who will help me the most through something like this is frozen. I am lost I am alone I don't know what to do Joey. This isn't easy what if it is the worse thing that could happen? Would you leave? Joey I am all alone here say something.

Joey: Your not alone I will be here if the baby is mine.

Emily: Oh thanks don't show up tomorrow Joey. 

Joey: Emily do you know this feeling? You don't even know. Something that you loved riped right away from you. This is supposed to be a happy day. I should be happy and excited but I am mad and angery at myself because I feel like this is my fault. I let you run away in the first place. I made a mistake but you, you made a bigger one.

Emily: Fine whatever.

I go into the guest bedroom and I crawl into the bed. I slowly cry myself to sleep.

Joeys POV:

Emily and I are in the car to the doctors office what if this goes wrong? I am not certain what I will do if I stay or leave. I don't know anymore. We park and walk into the office. I see James.

Joey: Of course.

We walk into the little room and Emily is quiet. James and I sit far away from one another.

Joey: Why are  you here?

James: Same reason you are.

Emily: My go I should just raise this baby with Sawyer.

Joey: Emily just shush.

James: Don't tell her to shush.

Joey: She is my wife.

James: With my baby.

Joey: Thats stupid you and I know it.

James: Denial over there.

Emily: Okay I am one both of you shush.

The doctor walks in and takes a blood sample. of all of us. Now we just wait for the results I guess.

Doctor: Emily we have the results please come with me.

Emily follows the doctor. Minutes later she comes back in. Her face was unreadable. She knew whos it was. She changes back to normal clothes. Is she not going to tell us?

Connors POV:

I seet up the perfect thing for a proposal! We were going to a volleyball match at one point they throw the volleyball to Nicole and it says will you marry me. We get in the car and drive to the match. The ring box was on my leg tight in my pocket. I was so nervous. We arrive at the match.

Nicoles POV:

The first game finished. 5 more to go. They start the second round. A ball is hit to me. I catch it I notice writing on it. I flip it so I can see the writing. It said will you marry me. I look over to Conor he is on one knee. I should be happy but I wasn't. I put the volleyball down and ran out of the court.

Joeys POV:

We all went to get ice cream. We make our bowls and then pay. We sit down at a table. I look over at Emily and I could see in her eyes. She was telling me through her eyes. I knew the answer. Now what was I going to do now?

Oh I know party!

This is our baby. More importantly its,

My Baby.

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