Haven't Seen You In Awhile

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Emilys POV:

I look to the door way. Shell shocked my mouth drops. My eyes water and a smile creeps on my face. I couldn''t believe it. I never thought this moment would happen. He sits on bed and smiles.

Dad: You look so...so grown up.

Emily: That happens when you haven't seen a person in ten years.

Dad: No thats not it Em, I have watched you grow up but seeing you know. It amazes me. 

Emily: Well thank you. What are you doing here?

Dad: Wondering if you are coming to join me. I am here to take you.

Emily: Take me were?

Dad: Why heaven Em. Are you ready?

Joeys POV:

I let her go. I let her slip out of my finger tips like water or small grains of sand would. A tear drops into my lap. I couldn't believe I let her go. Its for the best right? Sawyer comes in. The one person I would die to make sure I would never see him again.

Joey: What do you want now? My baby?

Sawyer: No Emily is in trouble.

I perk up. This worries me. I let her go, why does it worry me?

Joey: How?

Sawyer: She has brain cancer Joey. Thats why she thought she loved me and I didn't love her thats another story.

He tells me the whole story. I get up and grab my keys.

Joey: What am I gonna do with Anna?

Sawyer: I got her. Go help her.

I thank him and run out. I get in the car and drive to "our second home". I arrive they know me and I rush into her hall way. I heard her talking. I didn't know to who but she was talking for sure.

Emily: No I am not ready to leave. I have a baby and, a wonderful, most amazing husband out there. I don't want to leave them. With that she stops talking and I walk in.

Emilys POV:

My Father disappears I am all alone. I have crashed and burned and now I am shattered. The one thing is, there is no chance of me getting back up. Because the one I love, isn't here to help me fight. I just burst into tears. I am in a black whole with no chance of getting out. I hear the door open unable to look because of my tears blurring my vision. 

Emily: I am all alone. I am sorry for being such a baby.

Joey: You are never alone. I am always here my dear. I never plan on leavin.

Emily: Joey!

I bring him into a huge hug and I never want to let go.

Joey: We can survive this. We always do.

Emily: True, I can't do it without you though.

Joey: Good thing I am here then.

I smile and he kisses me forehead.

Joey: We got this my little M&M we always do. We always will. We control our lives. They don't control us.

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